Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • Jesus: He Who Holds the Seven Stars in His Right Hand

    These things says He
    who holds the seven stars in His right hand
    who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands.

    Revelation 2:1

    Jesus is He Who Holds the Seven Stars in His Right Hand. These stars were the seven messengers or pastors of the seven churches in Asia Minor (Revelation 2 & Revelation 3). Just as Jesus protected and cared for these seven church leaders, so He will take care of you. You may think you’re alone in the world; but you’re not. You may think that Jesus has forgotten you in your troubles; but you’re really in His hands. Trust Him.

    Lord, I will do more. I will be victorious over sin and do exploits. Because I know that You’re hanging on to me, I have more confidence to do more for You.

    These seven churches and their leaders were weak and struggling. Some had even lost their first love for Christ. Some churches had sin in their midst, and some churches were enticed by false doctrine. Yet Jesus still held all of them in His hand, and He walked in the middle of them. Since He hung on to those struggling early churches, He can keep you safely in your struggles also. Remember that if you fall, you are not destroyed; nor are you permanently lost. Jesus has you in His hands. He Who Holds the Seven Stars in His Right Hand will hold you safely in His hand and will give you power to overcome (Revelation 2:7).

    Lord, give me a listening ear to hear Your instructions (Revelation 2:7), and give me a ready will to obey Your voice. I will turn my back on sin (Revelation 2:6) and will serve You (Revelation 2:3). Amen.

    Go Deeper: Revelation 2:1-7

    Hang on to Jesus, because He’s holding on to you.