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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
    Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
    The Holy Spirit: The Lord of the Harvest
    The harvest truly is plentiful,
    but the laborers are few.
    Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest
    to send out laborers into His harvest.
    Matthew 9:37-38

    The Holy Spirit is the Lord of the Harvest; the harvest is His. Too often we think that the harvest is ours, but the Holy Spirit wants us to work for Him in the harvest of bringing others to Jesus. Because many people are not following Jesus, the fields are ripe and ready for harvest (John 4:35). When we tell people the good news of Jesus, the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts to convict them of sin. Then He will open their spiritually blinded eyes to see the gospel and draw them to salvation. Will you work in the harvest today and let the Holy Spirit work through you? You can do that by sharing the gospel with someone.

    Holy Spirit, I feel Your urging in my heart to be more active in evangelism. I will witness to someone today. Help me to communicate the gospel to someone. Work in the hearts of those to whom I witness.

    The Holy Spirit is the Lord of the Harvest. When people believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit regenerates their hearts (John 3:5) and places eternal life in them. But most importantly, since it is His harvest, He preserves the fruit by indwelling the new believers with His presence to guarantee that they receive all the blessings that the Father has promised to them.

    Holy Spirit, You are Lord of the Harvest! I cannot accomplish anything without You working through me. I yield to Your leading. Use me today, as I testify to others of my salvation. Amen.

    Go Deeper: Matthew 9:35-10:26

    The Holy Spirit works through you to win people to salvation.