In that day the offspring of Jessie (Jesus)
will be a flag to which the people will rally.
Isaiah 11:10 (author's translation)
Jesus is your Flag; rally to Him. The King James Version of the Bible calls Jesus an ensign; newer versions call Him a banner (Isaiah 11:10). In battle, when warriors are separated from their fellow soldiers, they rally to their colors. There’s strength and protection in numbers. When you’re in a battle against the world, the flesh and the Devil, don’t fight your brethren; just rally to Jesus for spiritual victory. Jesus is your Flag.
Lord, with so many Christians fighting each other, it’s hard to keep my perspective. Help me look to You. Lord, I need eyes to clearly see the issues.
Jesus is a Flag; hold Him high so that people can see Him. Remember, Jesus said, “I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” (John 12:32). You don’t have to argue doctrine, baptism or anything else; just hold high the Jesus Flag, and He’ll draw people to Himself. When the unsaved attack you or Christianity, Jesus is your Flag; lift Him up. His followers will rally with you to Him. Just as a flag stands for all the things that soldiers love about their country, so your Jesus Flag stands for all the things you love about Him. Sometimes, when warriors defend what they love, they become wounded and need help. Hold high the Flag so that the wounded can rally to Jesus. Those closest to the Flag can see it best; they will find protection near Jesus. So stay close to Him.
Lord, I will rally to You. I will defend You and the cause of Christianity. I will try to get others to join me and You, our Flag. Amen.
Go Deeper: Psalm 60
Jesus is our rallying Flag.