House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
Jesus: The Lamb
These will make war with the Lamb,
and the Lamb will overcome them,
for He is Lord of lords and King of kings;
and those who are with Him are
called, chosen, and faithful.
Revelation 17:14
Lambs provided three basic contributions to Jewish life. Lambs provided wool for clothing and food to eat, and they were the primary animals that Jewish people sacrificed as a symbolic substitution for their sins. Jesus was the ultimate Sacrifice, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Lambs are gentle; they don’t attack or hurt other animals, just as Jesus, the Lamb, was gentle to all. Lambs have no natural defense, such as teeth or claws; every other animal was given some form of protection. But Jesus was the defenseless Lamb who had no one to defend Him at His trials nor any warrior to protect Him from crucifixion. Lambs are meek, just as Jesus willingly submitted to death. Jesus said, “If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight” (John 18:36).
Lord, You are the meek Lamb slain for me. You are my gentle Savior.
Jesus, the meek Lamb, shall return a second time to destroy the evil works of Satan. In the book of Revelation, He is called Lamb 27 times to remind the readers that even though Jesus was gentle, He will return to judge evil. He will condemn those who rejected His salvation. The defenseless Jesus, the Lamb, will return to rule the world.
Lord Jesus, You are the Lamb who died for the world. You will return as the Lamb to judge the world. Amen.
Go Deeper: Revelation 7:9-17
Jesus, the meek Lamb, shall return to judge the world.