The Dangerous Power Of The Tongue
Monday, December 23, 2024
In 1975, a court awarded $107,000 to compensate a family in the case of a man who was killed by slander. John Abercrombie, a retired Air Force colonel with a distinguished World War II combat record, was accused of stealing a can of Danish bacon worth 63 cents. He was later found innocent, but the accusation broke him. He grew depressed, and finally, his heart gave way, and he died. It bears out what the Bible says: 'Death and life are in the power of the tongue.' Slander is a type of murder. When you speak words of slander, false accusation, hatred, criticism, and discouragement, you have a dangerous weapon and you can actually kill somebody with it. Such words over days, weeks, months, and years can break somebody's spirit; and ultimately even take away their health and life. Instead, speak words of life, love, encouragement, compassion, and thanksgiving. For if words of hate bring death, words of life can raise the dead. Speak a new word of life today to somebody who needs it. For death and life are in the power of your tongue.
From Message #1123 - Shutting the Dragon's Mouth
Today's Mission
Today, seek to speak no words of death, of negativity " but speak only life " and a word of life to somebody who needs it.
Scripture: Psalm 34:13
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn