Letting Heaven Come Down
Friday, December 27, 2024
The phrase from the Lord's Prayer, "On earth as it is in heaven," is filled with incredible truth for your life. In the original language, it reads: "As it is in heaven so on the earth." We tend to see our salvation as something starting on earth. In other words, we have to be more spiritual. But the truth of this Scripture is that the focus is always on "as it is in heaven." Salvation starts not with the earth trying to be like heaven but with heaven coming down to earth. So your part is to let heaven come to earth through your life. You can't become more holy from the earth up; you can only become more holy from heaven down - you have to let the holy come down. You can't generate the joy of God; you have to let the love and joy of heaven come down into your heart and your life. Your beautiful life is already there in the heavenlies. Let it come down and then...as it is in heaven so it will be on earth.
From Message #482 - As It Is In Heaven
Today's Mission
Today, let the love and joy of heaven come down into your heart and live as it is in heaven.
Scripture: John 3:13
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn