The Builder of Flowers
Monday, December 30, 2024
Hebrews says that God is the builder of everything. In other words, when you see leaves, butterflies, or flowers, they have a builder. The most complex HDTV cannot compare to the complexity of the human eye. The most complex stereo system cannot compare to the complexity of the human ear. All the electrical systems known to man cannot compare to the complexity of one human cell. And the most complex computer ever devised by human intelligence cannot compare to the complexity of the human brain. So why would anybody believe that these things came about by accident? Would you believe a TV came about with no builder? Would an atheist believe it? Of course not. So, which is more ridiculous? The fact is God is The Builder of everything. So be strong in that and rejoice in the fact that He also built you. He gave His life for you, and He's now building your life into something good and precious. So let Him build you. And be built up, because God is The Builder of everything. How much more so your life?
From Message #708 - The Footstool World
Today's Mission
Today, take time to appreciate all the wonderful things of God's creation.
Scripture: Hebrews 3:4
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn