House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
Jesus: The Preeminence
And He is the head of the body, the church,
who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,
that in all things He may have the preeminence.
Colossians 1:18
“Preeminence” means “first,” and Jesus wants to have first place in your life. Put Him first in your thoughts, your choices and your relationships. When you do everything that Jesus would have you do, He becomes preeminent in your life. “Preeminence” also means “the best in quality and character.” When you let Jesus control your life, you give Him the Preeminence in all that you do. “Preeminence” also means “the highest.” There is nothing higher in Heaven than Jesus, so lift Him up in your prayer life. Give Him the Preeminence in your home. When Jesus has His rightful place, He can lead you, protect you and cause you to grow.
Lord, I pause to recognize Your greatness and give You first place in my life. I exalt You to your rightful place. Come, be preeminent in my life.
Today, Jesus is not preeminent in the affairs of the nations; but in the end of the age, He will rule all peoples and nations. Also, Jesus is not preeminent in the lives of many peoples; but one day, every tongue (including the unsaved) will confess Jesus, and every knee (including the God-haters) will bow to recognize His Preeminence. Those who make Jesus preeminent on Earth will be rewarded by Him in Heaven.
My tongue confesses that You are Lord. My knee bows to Your sovereign rule of my life. I make You preeminent in all I do. Amen.
Go Deeper: Luke 9:28-36
Make Jesus preeminent in your life.