The Flowing Life
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Isaiah 55:12 says, "You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace." The word "led forth" in Hebrew, is "yabal." Yabal also means to "flow", like a river flows. God's Spirit is likened to water that flows. So, when you're living in God's Spirit and being led by Him, you're going to flow. Is your life characterized by flowing or is it being driven, pressed, and compelled by all the things that are happening around you? Are you rushing and running but not being led? If you're not being led, then you're not going to flow. Anger, jealousy, fear, and depression have no flow. A life that's driven, forced, and pushed has no flow because it's not led. But if you're led by God, you have the quality of flowing. Love, faith, mercy, kindness, joy, and peace flow. That's how you are to go through life, flowing in God's Spirit. Don't be driven, but instead be led. For when you are led by His Spirit, your life will flow like a river. Then you shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace.
From Message #469 - The Trees of the Field
Today's Mission
Today, follow the leading of the Lord. Be led forth by His shalom and flow forth in His Spirit.
Scripture: Isaiah 43:19 | Isaiah 55:12
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn