Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayer

  • House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear Lord God,

    I pray for those who are grieving today.

    I pray for those who have lost loved ones.

    I pray for those who have lost relationships.

    I pray for those who have had to surrender their dreams.

    I pray for all who have experienced loss of hope and loss of innocence.

    I pray that You will pour out Your comfort upon those who mourn, those who feel broken-down and those who feel abandoned.

    Thank you my Lord Jesus, for proclaimed in Your Sermon on the Mount...

    Blessed are those who mourn,
    For they shall be comforted.
    Matthew 5:4

    I pray that You will use me today to express Your comfort, love and faithfulness to everyone that I meet.

    I pray that You will use me to speak words of encouragement and hope.

    I pray that Your Holy Spirit will help me to discern when my quiet presence is the best way I can offer comfort and support.

    Please help me to extend Your comfort and love to others, rather than seeking my own comfort.

    I pray that You will equip me with the discernment and love required to recognize those who are suffering, and please give me the compassion I need to respond as you desire.

    In the comforting name of Jesus I pray,
