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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Get The Junk out of Your Closet
    Thursday, January 30, 2025

    In Matthew, Messiah speaks about going into your prayer closet. Have you ever thought about how strange it is to talk about praying in a closet? Your closet might have vacuum cleaners, umbrellas, winter coats, and mothballs in it. The word closet actually refers to a storage room. A storage room wasn't made for prayer, it was made for junk. In order to make it a place of prayer, you have to push other things outside and make space. It takes work to have a prayer closet. It takes work to take the junk and clutter out of your schedule. There are a lot of things that push their way into our lives, and we have to push them out. If you are going to have time with the Lord every day, it takes work. Clear your schedule, because it's more important to be with God. Remove the clutter and simplify your life. Then that junk room of time, that cluttered closet of your week, will turn into a tabernacle of prayer. It all begins when you press into the presence of God through the mothballs.
    From Message #467 - Secret Alms and Closets

    Today's Mission
    Today, take the junk and clutter out of your schedule and spend time in your prayer closet.

    Scripture: Matthew 6:6-7

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn