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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • You Who Art on Earth
    Tuesday, February 4, 2025

    We are to pray, "Our Father Who art in Heaven". Notice that it speaks of God's "art", but there's nothing about your "art" at all. It doesn't matter whether you're in one place or another. Thus, it doesn't talk about where you are, because if it talked about a specific place in the Lord's Prayer, then you would be limited to that particular place. But it doesn't matter where you are. It only matters where God is. It doesn't matter whether you're in a high or a low place in your life. It doesn't matter whether you're going through a tough or the worst time you've ever been through. Wherever you are, you can still pray. It doesn't even matter if you're in a place where you feel so far from God that it seems He won't hear you. Pray! Because the Lord is seated on the throne in heaven and He loves you. He is in heaven, and He will always be there for you. Reach out to Him. He is reaching out to you. Pray, because you don't have an 'art', but God does.
    From Message #479 - Avinu (Our Father)

    Today's Mission
    Today, no matter where you are, enter the Holy of Holies and spend time in His presence.

    Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:17

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn