You've got a Rabbi
Thursday, February 6, 2025
The Jewish people call their spiritual leaders "Rabbi." It might be hard for most of the world, and even for some Christians, to believe it, but the Baby born of the Virgin Mary grew up to be a Rabbi. The One who died on the cross and for Whom that symbol has become the most universal of symbols on this planet was a Rabbi. Never hold back from sharing the Messiah with a Jewish person, because He is their Rabbi first and they need Him. But there is something else. If Yeshua, Jesus is a Rabbi and He's your spiritual leader, then what does that make you? According to God's adoption, if you are born again, you are now part of Israel and the Jewish people. Thus, the Rabbi of Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, Calvary, and the empty tomb is your Rabbi. Messiah, the Rabbi of Rabbis, is your Rabbi. So, get the Word out to the Jewish people and receive the same blessing for yourself. For you are no longer a stranger, but part of Israel now because Yeshua, Jesus is your Rabbi.
From Message #643 - The Cosmic Rabbi
Today's Mission
Today, embrace the fact that Messiah is your Rabbi and that you're part of Israel, and pray for the salvation of His ancient people.
Scripture: Ephesians 2:19
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn