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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Inscribing Your Scroll
    Friday, March 7, 2025

    Every Bible is made up of black ink and white space. You need both. You can't read the word without the background. And there's a mystery there. The Word of God does not exist in a void, it has to exist in your life. It's got to be applied to a context. In the same way that you can't read the Bible without a background, so those around you need to see the Word of God against the context of your life. Your life is God's parchment. The word without paper can't be read. At the same time, the paper without the word is blank. So, your life without God's Word is blank. But when you put them together, you have something great. Take the promises of God and the principles of the Word and put them into your life. Take the admonition of the Word of God and apply it in your life. People will see it. Because it's written that you are a living epistle. Your life is not just your life, it's the sacred parchment that exists to bring forth the Word and the glory of God.
    From Message #917 - The Invisible Scriptures

    Today's Mission
    Today, apply a specific Word of God to "the white space" of your life - to a part of your life that needs to be brought into God's will.

    Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:2

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn