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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Turnpike of The Righteous
    Tuesday, March 18, 2025

    Proverbs 16:17 says, "The highway of the upright (righteous) is to depart from evil; He who watches his way preserves his life." It doesn't say the old country road of the righteous or the old winding dirt road of the righteous. It says highway. The Hebrew word can even be translated as 'turnpike.' The highway of the upright is not only to depart from sin but to travel on a fast track away from sin. It is a fast track to God's will, and it's the fast way to God's peace. When you depart from evil, do it as if you're on a highway. So when you depart from that temptation, don't do it slowly, play around with it, entertain it, or have a long drawn-out talk with it. Do as Joseph did. Run away from it immediately. As soon as that questionable situation or indulgence comes up, run out of there. As soon as it starts, get on the highway and floor it. Because you don't leave sin on an old dirt road. You leave it in a hurry... in the fast lane, on the highway of the upright.
    From Message #916 - Let it Roll

    Today's Mission
    Today, don't just avoid that sin and temptation, or anything that is not of God - run from it!

    Scripture: Genesis 39:12 | Proverbs 16:17

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn