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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
    Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
    Jesus: The Son of David
    And when he heard that it was
    Jesus of Nazareth,
    he began to cry out and say,
    "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’"
    Mark 10:47

    Jesus is the Son of David, His human ancestry and authority for ministry. God the Father had promised David that his son would sit eternally on the throne. Jesus was born to fulfill that prediction. Therefore, Jesus had authority that was originally given to David. Blind Bartimaeus recognized that Jesus could help him, so he called Him "Jesus, Son of David" which was Jesus’ legal name (Mark 10:47). Jesus healed Bartimaeus because of his faith. Do you have faith to call out to Him for your need today?

    Jesus, Son of David, I call out to You. I cannot make it through this day without You. Come heal my spiritual blindness; help me see Your path for me this day.

    Jesus is the Son of David; He can meet your need this day. But realize there will be opposition to your faith, just as there were individuals who tried to quiet Bartimaeus when he cried out for help. But Bartimaeus would not be quieted; he cried out even louder. Jesus was motivated by the faith of Bartimaeus to give him help. Do you have that kind of faith that would motivate God to help you? If you do, Jesus will say to you what He said to Bartimaeus: “Your faith has made you well” (Mark 10:52).

    Jesus, You are the Son of David. One day You will rule the world from David’s throne. Today, I need You to rule my life from the throne of my heart. Like Bartimaeus, I need You; come help me today. Amen.

    Go Deeper: Mark 10:46-52

    Jesus wants to rule your life.