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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
    Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
    Jesus: The Hope of Israel
    Because for the hope of Israel
    I am bound with this chain.
    Acts 28:20

    Jesus is the Hope of Israel. God’s people—the Jewish people—have suffered throughout history. Because God has promised to bless the people of Israel, the Evil One hates them, because he hates God. The Jewish people have been targeted for persecution by many human enemies: Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, and Adolph Hitler, just to name a few. The Evil One has used human instruments against them, like King Herod, who tried to destroy Jesus as a baby. But despite everything, Jesus is still the Hope of Israel. He died to forgive the sins of the world, including the sins of the Jewish people.

    Lord Jesus, I marvel at the scope of history. You were born into this world to a Jewish virgin grew up in a Jewish home and lived in the Jewish culture. Despite all that Satan has done, You are still the Hope of Israel.

    Jesus will be the Hope of Israel in the future. There is coming a future tribulation aimed at the people of Israel, but Jesus will return to save them and all those who believe in Him. In that future day, He’ll still be the Hope of Israel. Just as Jesus is their Hope, He is also your Hope. Look to Him today.

    Lord, you are not only the Hope of Israel but also my Hope. You have come to help me through many trials in the past. I trust You for continual deliverance in the future. Amen.

    Go Deeper: Genesis 12:1-3

    Jesus is both your Hope and the Hope of Israel.