House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
The Father: The Witness of God
If we receive the witness of men,
the witness of God is greater;
for this is the witness of God
which He has testified of His Son.
1 John 5:9
The Witness of God was the words the Father spoke at the baptism of Jesus: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17; 17:5). The Father wanted everyone to know that He sent Jesus into the world and that He approved what Jesus did. But the Jewish leaders wouldn’t believe that it was the Father who had spoken. They rejected His witness. Today, the Father speaks in many ways, including through the Scriptures. But many people won’t believe His witness any more now than the Jewish leaders did while Jesus was on Earth. Yet, the Witness of God is still true; the Father is pleased with all Jesus was and accomplished.
Jesus, because I am pleased with all You’ve done for me, I worship You. I cry, “Worthy is the Lamb” (Revelation 5:12).
The Father has witnessed Jesus. Are you willing to do the same thing? Will you witness to those around you about Jesus? Jesus commands, “You shall be witnesses to Me [Jesus]” (Acts 1:8). Just as some did not believe what the Father had spoken, so some will not listen to you. But you must witness Jesus anyway because the message about Him is true. Witnesses tell what they have seen, heard, and experienced. That’s what you must do; tell others how Jesus has changed your life.
Jesus, I will witness for You today. I will tell people how You saved me and how You constantly guide me. Without You, I would not have a life worth living. Amen.
Go Deeper: 1 John 5:1-13
You should witness to others about Jesus.