Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Arch Bishop Micheal Ralph Vendegna S.O.S.M.A.


  • 8/3/18 12:43am.

    Yesterday, Thursday I asked the Lord to Please heal this machine so that it will run without any problems with 1 hand on the screen and 1 hand on the tower. I asked him to please keep it running especially to pay bills and for the ministry.  I had optimized 3 times on the Microsoft De fragment program  cause the system drive was 49% fragmented. It was not taking. Did it again several times on Norton Optimize button and the same. I prayed again.  Went through my daily readings etc. So Thursday Evening I checked the system again and Praise God, it was 0 fragmented. I thanked the Lord for answering prayer and asked that he keep his hand on this machine. 

    Please continue to pray that this computer stays running. I am believing in FAITH that it will.

    Thank you and God Bless.