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Arch Bishop Micheal Ralph Vendegna S.O.S.M.A.

Liturgy of the Hours

  • The following is a Hymn that can be prayed which will help you sleep safe and sound at night.

    Come Holy Spirit I need thee,  Come Sweet Spirit I pray, Come in thy strength and thy power, Come in thy own special way. May God bless you and keep you, May his light shine upon you and be gracious to you now and forever more, AMEN.



    Compline (Night Prayer)

    O God, come to our aid.
      O Lord, make haste to help us.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    Amen. Alleluia.

    Examination of Conscience  
    This is an excellent moment for an examination of conscience. In a communal celebration of Compline, one of the penitential acts given in the Missal may be recited.

    Now that the daylight dies away,
    By all thy grace and love,
    Thee, Maker of the world, we pray
    To watch our bed above.
    Let dreams depart and phantoms fly,
    The offspring of the night,
    Keep us, like shrines, beneath thine eye,
    Pure in our foe’s despite.
    This grace on thy redeemed confer,
    Father, co-equal Son,
    And Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
    Eternal Three in One.

    Psalm 4
    Lord, have mercy and hear me.
    When I called out, he heard me, the God of my righteousness.
    When I was in trouble, you gave me freedom:
      now, take pity on me and listen to my prayer.
    Sons of men, how long will your hearts be heavy?
      Why do you seek for vain things?
      Why do you run after illusions?
    Know that the Lord has done marvellous things
      for those he has chosen.
    When I call upon the Lord, he will hear me.
    Be vigorous, but do not sin:
      speak in the silence of your heart,
      in your bed, be at rest.
    Offer righteousness as a sacrifice,
      and put your trust in the Lord.
    Many are saying, Who will give us good things?
    Let your face shine on us, Lord,
      let the light of your face be a sign.
    You have given me a greater joy
      than the others receive
      from abundance of wheat and of wine.
    In peace shall I sleep, Lord, in peace shall I rest:
      firm in the hope you have given me.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    Lord, have mercy and hear me.

    Psalm 133 (134)
    Evening prayer in the Temple
    Bless the Lord through the night.
    Come, bless the Lord,
      all you servants of the Lord
      who stand through the night in the house of the Lord!
    Lift up your arms to the sanctuary
      and bless the Lord!
    May the Lord bless you from Zion –
      the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    Bless the Lord through the night.

    Reading Deuteronomy 6:4-7 ©
    Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

    Short Responsory  
    Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
    Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
    You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth.
    Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
    Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.

    Canticle Nunc Dimittis
    Save us, Lord, while we are awake; protect us while we sleep; that we may keep watch with Christ and rest with him in peace.
    Now, Master, you let your servant go in peace.
      You have fulfilled your promise.
    My own eyes have seen your salvation,
      which you have prepared in the sight of all peoples.
    A light to bring the Gentiles from darkness;
      the glory of your people Israel.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    Save us, Lord, while we are awake; protect us while we sleep; that we may keep watch with Christ and rest with him in peace.

    Let us pray.
    Come to visit us, Lord, this night,
      so that by your strength we may rise at daybreak
      to rejoice in the resurrection of Christ, your Son,
      who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

    The Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end.

    Marian Anthem

    Ave Regina Caelorum

    Hail, Queen of the heavens,
      hail, Lady of the angels.
    Root of our salvation
      and our gateway to heaven,
      the light of the world was born to you.
    Be joyful, Virgin of glory,
      most beautiful of all in heaven.
    We greet you now, true beauty –
      pray for us to Christ.
    Ave, Regína cælórum,
    ave, Dómina angelórum,
    salve, radix, salve, porta,
    ex qua mundo lux est orta.
    Gaude, Virgo gloriósa,
    super omnes speciósa;
    vale, o valde decóra,
    et pro nobis Christum exóra.


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