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Arch Bishop Micheal Ralph Vendegna S.O.S.M.A.

Liturgy of the Hours

  • Vespers (Evening Prayer)

    (First Vespers of tomorrow, Palm Sunday)

    O God, come to our aid.
      O Lord, make haste to help us.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.

    The royal banners forward go,
    The Cross shines forth in radiant glow;
    Where he, the Life, did death endure,
    And yet by death did life procure.
    His feet and hands outstretching there,
    He willed the piercing nails to bear,
    For us and our redemption’s sake
    A victim of himself to make.
    There whilst he hung, his sacred side
    By soldier’s spear was opened wide,
    To cleanse us in the precious flood
    Of water mingled with his blood.
    Fulfilled is now what David told
    In true prophetic song of old,
    To all the nations, ‘Lo,’ said he,
    ‘Our God is reigning from the tree.’
    Blest Three in One, our praise we sing
    To thee from whom all graces spring:
    As by the cross thou dost restore,
    So rule and guide us evermore.

    Psalm 118 (119): 105-112
    I sat teaching in the temple day after day and you never laid hands on me. Now you have scourged me and lead me to be crucified.
    Your word is a lamp to guide my feet,
      a light for my journey.
    I have firmly sworn to keep your just laws.
    Lord, I am greatly afflicted:
      revive me as you have promised.
    Lord, accept the vows I make,
      and teach me your judgements.
    I hold my life in my hands,
      I remember your laws.
    The wicked placed a trap for me,
      but I did not wander from your commandments.
    Your decrees are my inheritance for ever,
      they are the joy of my heart:
    my heart is set on carrying them out,
      for ever, until the end.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    I sat teaching in the temple day after day and you never laid hands on me. Now you have scourged me and lead me to be crucified.

    Psalm 15 (16)
    The Lord, my inheritance
    The Lord God helps me: no insult wounds me.
    Preserve me, Lord,
      I put my hope in you.
    I have said to the Lord
      “You are my Lord,
      in you alone is all my good.”
    As for the holy and noble men of the land,
      in them is all my delight.
    But for those who run to alien gods,
      their sorrows are many.
    I will not share in their libations of blood.
      I will not speak their names.
    You, Lord, are my inheritance and my cup.
      You control my destiny,
    the lot marked out for me is of the best,
      my inheritance is all I could ask for.
    I will bless the Lord who gave me understanding;
      even in the night my heart will teach me wisdom.
    I will hold the Lord for ever in my sight:
      with him at my side I can never be shaken.
    Thus it is that my heart rejoices,
      heart and soul together;
      while my body rests in calm hope.
    You will not leave my soul in the underworld.
      You will not let your chosen one see decay.
    You will show me the paths of life,
      the fullness of joy before your face,
      and delights at your right hand for ever.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    The Lord God helps me: no insult wounds me.

    Canticle Philippians 2 Christ, God's servant
    The Lord Jesus humbled himself and, in obedience, accepted death, even death on a cross.
    Jesus Christ, although he shared God’s nature,
      did not try to cling to his equality with God;
    but emptied himself, took on the form of a slave,
      and became like a man:
    not in appearance only,
      for he humbled himself by accepting death,
      even death on a cross.
    For this, God has raised him high,
      and given him the name that is above every name,
    so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bend,
      in heaven, on earth, and under the earth,
    and every tongue will proclaim
      “Jesus Christ is Lord,”
      to the glory of God the Father.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    The Lord Jesus humbled himself and, in obedience, accepted death, even death on a cross.

    Short Reading 1 Peter 1:18-21 ©
    Remember, the ransom that was paid to free you from the useless way of life your ancestors handed down was not paid in anything corruptible, neither in silver nor gold, but in the precious blood of a lamb without spot or stain, namely Christ; who, though known since before the world was made, has been revealed only in our time, the end of the ages, for your sake. Through him you now have faith in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory for that very reason – so that you would have faith and hope in God.

    Short Responsory  
    We worship you, Christ, and we bless you.
    We worship you, Christ, and we bless you.
    By your cross you have redeemed the world.
    We worship you, Christ, and we bless you.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
    We worship you, Christ, and we bless you.

    Canticle Magnificat My soul rejoices in the Lord
    Throwing their garments over the colt’s back, the disciples helped Jesus onto it. As they moved off, people spread their cloaks on the road. (Year C)
    Or: Hail, Son of David, our king and redeemer of the World! The prophets foretold that you would come and save us.
    My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
      and my spirit rejoices in God, my salvation.
    For he has shown me such favour –
      me, his lowly handmaiden.
    Now all generations will call me blessed,
      because the mighty one has done great things for me.
    His name is holy,
      his mercy lasts for generation after generation
      for those who revere him.
    He has put forth his strength:
      he has scattered the proud and conceited,
      torn princes from their thrones;
      but lifted up the lowly.
    He has filled the hungry with good things;
      the rich he has sent away empty.
    He has come to the help of his servant Israel,
      he has remembered his mercy as he promised to our fathers,
      to Abraham and his children for ever.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    Throwing their garments over the colt’s back, the disciples helped Jesus onto it. As they moved off, people spread their cloaks on the road. (Year C)
    Or: Hail, Son of David, our king and redeemer of the World! The prophets foretold that you would come and save us.

    Prayers and intercessions  
    As his passion drew near, Christ looked on Jerusalem and wept, because it did not recognize that God’s salvation had come. Let us pray in faith and repentance.
    Lord, have mercy on your people.
    Lord, you longed to gather the children of Jerusalem as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings;
      help all men to recognize that their moment of salvation has come.
    Lord, have mercy on your people.
    Do not abandon your faithful, even when they desert you;
      restore us to yourself, Lord Jesus, and we shall be restored.
    Lord, have mercy on your people.
    Through your suffering help us to mortify our bodies
      that we may be ready to celebrate your rising from the dead.
    Lord, have mercy on your people.
    You are reigning now in the glory of the Father;
      remember those who have died today.
    Lord, have mercy on your people.

    Our Father, who art in heaven,
      hallowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come.
      Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread,
      and forgive us our trespasses,
      as we forgive those who trespass against us,
    and lead us not into temptation,
      but deliver us from evil.

    Almighty, ever-living God,
      you gave our Saviour the command
      to become man and undergo the cross
      as an example of humility for all men to follow.
    We have the lessons of his sufferings:
      give us also the fellowship of his resurrection.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
      who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
      one God, for ever and ever.

    The Lord bless us, and keep us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.