Saturday 7 December 2019
Saint Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor
on Saturday of the 1st week of Advent
Office of Readings
(combined with Lauds)
This is the Office of Readings joined to another Hour, as described in §99 of the General Instruction. To see the Office of Readings on its own, use the menu button on the right.
Introduction (without Invitatory)
If this is the first Hour that you are reciting today, use the version with the Invitatory Psalm instead.
O God, come to our aid.
O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.
Who are these like stars appearing,
these, before God’s throne who stand?
Each a golden crown is wearing;
who are all this glorious band?
Alleluia! Hark, they sing,
praising loud their heavenly King.
Who are these of dazzling brightness,
clothed in God’s own righteousness?
These, whose robes of purest whiteness,
shall their lustre still possess,
still untouched by time’s rude hand?
Whence came all this glorious band?
These are they who have contended
for their Saviour’s honour long,
wrestling on till life was ended,
following not the sinful throng;
these who well the fight sustained,
triumph through the Lamb have gained.
These are they whose hearts were riven,
sore with woe and anguish tried,
who in prayer full oft have striven
with the God they glorified;
now, their painful conflict o’er,
God has bid them weep no more.
These, the Almighty contemplating,
did as priests before him stand,
soul and body always waiting
day and night at his command:
now in God’s most holy place
blest they stand before his face.
Psalm 104 (105)
The Lord is faithful to his promises
“The Apostles tell the peoples of the wonderful deeds God wrought in his coming to us” (St Athanasius).
Sing to the Lord; tell all his wonderful works.
Give thánks to the Lórd, tell his náme, *
make knówn his déeds among the péoples.
O síng to him, síng his práise; *
téll all his wónderful wórks!
Be próud of his hóly náme, *
let the héarts that seek the Lórd rejóice.
Consíder the Lórd and his stréngth; *
cónstantly séek his fáce.
Remémber the wónders he has dóne, *
his míracles, the júdgements he spóke.
O chíldren of Ábraham, his sérvant, *
O sóns of the Jácob he chóse.
Hé, the Lórd, is our Gód: *
his júdgements preváil in all the éarth.
He remémbers his cóvenant for éver, *
his prómise for a thóusand generátions,
the cóvenant he máde with Ábraham, *
the óath he swóre to Ísaac.
He confírmed it for Jácob as a láw, *
for Ísrael as a cóvenant for éver.
He sáid: ‘I am gíving you a lánd, *
Cánaan, your appóinted héritage.’
Whén they were féw in númber, *
a hándful of strángers in the lánd,
when they wándered from cóuntry to cóuntry, *
from one kíngdom and nátion to anóther,
he allówed nó one to oppréss them; *
he admónished kíngs on their accóunt:
‘Do not tóuch thóse I have anóinted; *
do no hárm to ány of my próphets.’
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Sing to the Lord; tell all his wonderful works.
Psalm 104 (105)
The Lord did not forget the just man who was sold as a slave: he released him from the power of sinful men.
But he cálled down a fámine on the lánd; *
he bróke the stáff that suppórted them.
He had sént a mán befóre them, *
Jóseph, sóld as a sláve.
His féet were pút in cháins, *
his néck was bóund with íron,
untíl what he sáid came to páss *
and the wórd of the Lórd proved him trúe.
Then the kíng sént and reléased him *
the rúler of the péople set him frée,
máking him máster of his hóuse *
and rúler of áll he posséssed,
to instrúct his prínces as he pléased *
and to téach his élders wísdom.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
The Lord did not forget the just man who was sold as a slave: he released him from the power of sinful men.
Psalm 104 (105)
The Lord remembered his holy word, and he brought out his people with joy.
So Ísrael cáme into Égypt; *
Jacob líved in the cóuntry of Hám.
He gáve his péople íncrease; *
he máde them strónger than their fóes,
whose héarts he túrned to hate his péople *
and to déal decéitfully with his sérvants.
Thén he sent Móses his sérvant *
and Áaron the mán he had chósen.
Through thém he shówed his márvels *
and his wónders in the cóuntry of Hám.
He sent dárkness, and dárk was máde *
but Égypt resísted his wórds.
He túrned the wáters into blóod *
and cáused their físh to díe.
Their lánd was alíve with frógs, *
éven in the hálls of their kíngs.
He spóke; the dóg-fly cáme *
and gnáts cóvered the lánd.
He sent háilstones in pláce of the ráin *
and fláshing fíre in their lánd.
He strúck their vínes and fíg-trees; *
he sháttered the trées through their lánd.
He spóke; the lócusts cáme, *
young lócusts, too mány to be cóunted.
They áte up every bláde in the lánd; *
they áte up all the frúit of their fíelds.
He strúck all the fírst-born in their lánd, *
the fínest flówer of their sóns.
He led out Ísrael with sílver and góld. *
In his tríbes were nóne who fell behínd.
Égypt rejóiced when they léft *
for dréad had fállen upón them.
He spréad a clóud as a scréen *
and fíre to give líght in the dárkness.
When they ásked for fóod he sent quáils; *
he fílled them with bréad from héaven.
He píerced the róck to give them wáter; *
it gushed fórth in the désert like a ríver.
For he remémbered his hóly wórd, *
which he gáve to Ábraham his sérvant.
So he bróught out his péople with jóy, *
his chósen ones with shóuts of rejóicing.
And he gáve them the lánd of the nátions. *
They took the frúit of óther men’s tóil,
that thús they might kéep his précepts, *
that thús they might obsérve his láws.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
The Lord remembered his holy word, and he brought out his people with joy.
Abraham, Joseph and Moses prefigured your plan, Father, to redeem mankind from slavery and to lead them into the land of promise. Through the death and resurrection of your Son, your Church fulfils these promises. Grant us living water from the rock and bread from heaven, that we may survive our desert pilgrimage and thank you eternally for your kindness.
℣. The Lord makes his word known to Jacob,
℟. To Israel his laws and decrees.
First Reading
Isaiah 21:6-12
The watchman announces the ruin of Babylon
This is what the Lord has said to me,
‘Go and post the watchman,
and let him report what he sees.
‘If he sees cavalry,
horsemen two by two,
men mounted on camels,
let him observe, closely observe.’
The look-out shouts,
‘On a watchtower, Lord,
I stand all day;
and at my post
I keep guard all night.’
Look, here come the cavalry,
horsemen two by two.
They spoke to me; they said,
‘Fallen, fallen is Babylon,
and all the images of her gods
are shattered on the ground.’
You who are threshed,
you who are winnowed,
what I have learnt
from the Lord of Hosts,
from the God of Israel,
I am telling you now.
Oracle on Edom:
Someone shouts to me from Seir,
‘Watchman, what time of night?
Watchman, what time of night?’
The watchman answers,
‘Morning is coming, then night again.
If you want to, why not ask,
turn round, come back?’
Rv 18:2,4-5
℟. The angel cried aloud, Babylon, great Babylon is fallen. And now I heard another voice from heaven say,* Come out of her, my people, that you may not be involved in her guilt.
℣. Her guilt mounts up to heaven: the Lord has kept her sins in remembrance.* Come out of her, my people, that you may not be involved in her guilt.
Second Reading
A letter of St Ambrose
You win the people over with the grace of your words
You have entered upon the office of bishop. Sitting at the helm of the Church, you pilot the ship against the waves. Take firm hold of the rudder of faith so that the severe storms of this world cannot disturb you. The sea is mighty and vast, but do not be afraid, for as Scripture says: he has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters.
The Church of the Lord is built upon the rock of the apostles among so many dangers in the world; it therefore remains unmoved. The Church’s foundation is unshakeable and firm against the assaults of the raging sea. Waves lash at the Church but do not shatter it. Although the elements of this world constantly beat upon the Church with crashing sounds, the Church possesses the safest harbour of salvation for all in distress. Although the Church is tossed about on the sea, it rides easily on rivers, especially those rivers that Scripture speaks of: The rivers have lifted up their voice. These are the rivers flowing from the heart of the man who is given drink by Christ and who receives from the Spirit of God. When these rivers overflow with the grace of the Spirit, they lift up their voice.
There is also a stream which flows down on God’s saints like a torrent. There is also a rushing river giving joy to the heart that is at peace and makes for peace. Whoever has received from the fullness of this river, like John the Evangelist, like Peter and Paul, lifts up his voice. Just as the apostles lifted up their voices and preached the Gospel throughout the world, so those who drink these waters begin to preach the good news of the Lord Jesus.
Drink, then, from Christ, so that your voice may also be heard. Store up in your mind the water that is Christ, the water that praises the Lord. Store up water from many sources, the water that rains down from the clouds of prophecy.
Whoever gathers water from the mountains and leads it to himself or draws it from springs, is himself a source of dew like the clouds. Fill your soul, then, with this water, so that your land may not be dry, but watered by your own springs.
He who reads much and understands much, receives his fill. He who is full, refreshes others. So Scripture says: If the clouds are full, they will pour rain upon the earth.
Therefore, let your words be rivers, clean and limpid, so that in your exhortations you may charm the ears of your people. And by the grace of your words win them over to follow your leadership. Let your sermons be full of understanding. Solomon says: The weapons of the understanding are the lips of the wise; and in another place he says: Let your lips be bound with wisdom. That is, let the meaning of your words shine forth, let understanding blaze out. See that your addresses and expositions do not need to invoke the authority of others, but let your words be their own defence. Let no word escape your lips in vain or be uttered without depth of meaning.
℟. Proclaim the message and, welcome or unwelcome, insist on it; refute falsehood, correct error, call to obedience,* but do all with the patience that the work of teaching requires.
℣. Who else can boast such deeds as yours, who anointed kings for repentance?* But do all with the patience that the work of teaching requires.
Psalm 118 (119): 145-152
Meditating the word of the Lord in the Law
“When anyone obeys what he has said, God’s love comes to perfection in him” (1 John 2:5)
My eyes watch for you before dawn.
I cáll with all my héart; Lord, héar me, *
I will kéep your commánds.
I cáll upón you, sáve me *
and Í will do your wíll.
I ríse before dáwn and cry for hélp, *
I hópe in your wórd.
My éyes wátch through the níght *
to pónder your prómise.
In your lóve hear my vóice, O Lórd; *
give me lífe by your decrées.
Those who hárm me unjústly draw néar; *
they are fár from your láw.
But yóu, O Lórd, are clóse, *
your commánds are trúth.
Lóng have I knówn that your wíll *
is estáblished for éver.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
My eyes watch for you before dawn.
Save us by the power of your hand, Father, for our enemies have ignored your words. May the fire of your word consume our sins and its brightness illumine our hearts.
Exodus 15
Hymn of victory after crossing the Red Sea
“Those who overcame the beast sang the hymn of Moses, the Servant of God” (cf. Rev 15:2-3).
The Lord is my strength, I will sing his praise: he is my salvation.
I will sing to the Lord, glorious his triumph! *
Horse and rider he has thrown into the sea!
The Lord is my strength, my song, my salvation. †
This is my God and I extol him, *
my father’s God and I give him praise.
The Lord is a warrior! *
‘The Lord’ is his name.
The chariots of Pharaoh he hurled into the sea.
At the breath of your anger the waters piled high; *
the moving waters stood up like a dam.
The deeps turned solid in the midst of the sea.
The enemy said: ‘I will pursue and overtake them, †
I will divide the plunder, I shall have my will. *
I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them.’
You blew with your breath, the sea closed over them. *
They went down like lead into the mighty waters.
Who is like you among the gods, O Lord, †
who is like you, so glorious in holiness, *
spreading fear through your deeds, you who do marvels?
You stretched forth your hand, *
the earth engulfed them;
your love has guided the people you redeemed, *
your power has led them to your holy dwelling-place.
You will lead them and plant them on your mountain, †
the place, O Lord, where you have made your home, *
the sanctuary, Lord, which your hands have made.
The Lord will reign *
for ever and ever.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
The Lord is my strength, I will sing his praise: he is my salvation.
Psalm 116 (117)
Praise of the merciful Lord
“I ask the nations to give praise to God for his mercy” (Rom 15:8,9).
O praise the Lord, all you nations. †
O práise the Lórd, all you nátions, *
accláim him all you péoples!
Stróng is his lóve for ús; *
he is fáithful for éver.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
O praise the Lord, all you nations.
God our Father, may all nations and peoples praise you. May Jesus, who is called faithful and true and who lives with you eternally, possess our hearts for ever.
Lord God, everything you have promised has been done to show your faithfulness; and you have revealed your kindness to all peoples. Gather all nations into your Church that in all the various tongues of this world one hymn of praise may be offered you.
Short Reading
Wisdom 7:13-14
What I learned without self-interest, I pass on without reserve; I do not intend to hide her riches. For she is an inexhaustible treasure to men, and those who acquire her win God’s friendship, commended as they are to him by the benefits of her teaching.
Short Responsory
The people tell about the wisdom of the saints.
– The people tell about the wisdom of the saints.
The Church sings their praises.
– The people tell about the wisdom of the saints.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
– The people tell about the wisdom of the saints.
The Messiah and the one who was sent before him
The learned will shine as brightly as the vault of heaven, and those who have instructed many in virtue will shine like stars for all eternity.
Bléssed be the Lórd, the Gód of Ísrael! *
He has vísited his péople and redéemed them.
He has raised úp for ús a mighty sáviour *
in the hóuse of Dávid his sérvant,
as he prómised by the líps of holy mén, *
thóse who were his próphets from of óld.
A sáviour who would frée us from our fóes, *
from the hánds of áll who háte us.
So his lóve for our fáthers is fulfílled *
and his hóly covenant remémbered.
He swóre to Ábraham our fáther to gránt us, *
that frée from féar, and sáved from the hánds of our fóes,
we might sérve him in hóliness and jústice *
all the dáys of our lífe in his présence.
As for yóu, little chíld, *
you shall be cálled a próphet of Gód, the Most Hígh.
You shall go ahéad of the Lórd *
to prépare his wáys befóre him,
To make knówn to his péople their salvátion *
through forgíveness of áll their síns,
the loving-kíndness of the héart of our Gód *
who vísits us like the dáwn from on hígh.
He will give líght to those in dárkness, †
those who dwéll in the shádow of déath, *
and gúide us into the wáy of péace.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
The learned will shine as brightly as the vault of heaven, and those who have instructed many in virtue will shine like stars for all eternity.
Prayers and intercessions
Christ, the good shepherd, laid down his life for his sheep. Let us praise him with grateful hearts, as we pray:
– Lord, nourish the lives of your people.
Christ our Lord, in the holy pastors you reveal your love for us;
may we never be deprived of the care you show through them.
– Lord, nourish the lives of your people.
Through your sacred ministers you are present in our midst as the shepherd of our souls;
never cease to guide us through their teaching and encouragement.
– Lord, nourish the lives of your people.
In the saints who lead your people, you manifest your power of healing souls and bodies;
remain always with us to renew our lives in holiness.
– Lord, nourish the lives of your people.
By the example of the saints you instruct your faithful in the ways of wisdom and love;
through our pastors, help us grow to the full stature of perfection.
– Lord, nourish the lives of your people.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Lord God, you made Saint Ambrose
a teacher of the Catholic faith
and a pattern of apostolic fortitude.
Raise up in the church today
men after your own heart
to lead your people with wisdom and strength.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
The Lord bless us, and keep us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.
Copyright © 1996-2019 Universalis Publishing Limited: see Scripture readings from the Jerusalem Bible are published and copyright © 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd and Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc, and used by permission of the publishers. Text of the Psalms: Copyright © 1963, The Grail (England). Used with permission of A.P. Watt Ltd. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1996-2019 Universalis Publishing Limited: see Scripture readings from the Jerusalem Bible are published and copyright © 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd and Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc, and used by permission of the publishers. Text of the Psalms: Copyright © 1963, The Grail (England). Used with permission of A.P. Watt Ltd. All rights reserved.