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Arch Bishop Micheal Ralph Vendegna S.O.S.M.A.

Saint of the Day

  •   Saint of the Day

    Saint of the Day

    Blessed Anna Maria Taigi

    Bl. Anna Maria Taigi (1769-1837) was born in Siena, Italy, to a poor working class family. Her family later moved to Rome, and Anna took on various low-skill jobs to help with the family finances. She married a pious man with a bad temper, which helped her to grow in virtue, and together they had seven children. As a young wife and mother she discerned God calling her to renounce the vanities and worldliness that she was accustomed to. She began to give little care to fancy dress, and accepted God's grace more in her life. With her husband's consent she transformed their home into a sanctuary through which she would serve God. Although she was not wealthy, Anna would give her spare money to the poor and needy. She soon entered the Third Order of Trinitarians and grew in holiness. God transformed her into a mystic: she experienced ecstasies during prayer, and was given visions of the future and the state of other's souls which were shown to her in a miraculous golden globe of light over the course of forty-seven years. Many sought her out for spiritual advice as she attended her household duties. She refused special favors from benefactors, and instead lived a life of austerity, relying on God to provide for her daily needs. Anna Maria's life was marked with much suffering, which she joyfully embraced, and God used her as an instrument for many conversions. Her feast day is June