Names Names Names
Is our birth name not enough?
Must we add to our birth name?
What about our spiritual name?
Let us look at the creation of a name and part of what happens.
1: A name is something that is created and therefore must be defined.
2: Once defined then the parameters of the name will exactify its existence.
3: These boundaries will prevent further growth towards being anything other than what it is named.
Let us look at some of what we become when we are born.
1: A child brought into existence containing the "Light Within".
2: A child that glows brightly with pure love from the "Light Within".
3: A child with potential to grow and become many, many things.
4: A child with a name that was given to them, a name that holds no boundaries towards growth, a name of unconditional love that is attached to their "Light Within".
Let us look at some of what will happen to a child after birth.
1: The child will learn the boundaries it must stay within in order to feel safe and get what it wants.
2: These boundaries will move as the child grows and learns how to navigate its surroundings.
3: The child's growth will continue outward in all directions until the child defines its own parameters by giving names to that which it chooses not to do and what it chooses to do.
4: With peer pressure involved the child will also be pressured to define themselves by names as to who and what they are.
When one chooses to define themselves by names, other than their given name, they limit their ability to grow, because now they must live within the parameters of the names they define themselves by.
If this name has stigmas attached to it then it is a package deal, these stigmas will be part of you also.
We need to take this into consideration when we make the choice to add names of what and who we are to our given name.
Our given name is the simplicity and purity of who and what we are.
Our given name does not place limitations upon our growth.
We must not limit ourselves by self given names.
Self given names only feed pride and will create separation within ones self.
Peace within cannot be obtained when one is separated within.
In order to remain whole we must understand that we are simply the name that we were given at birth and not pretend to be something that we are not by self given names.
Complexity is required to understand simplicity, however, only simplicity can make sense of complexity.
In order to have peace within, we must know the ultimate roar of silence.
We must know our "Light Within".
Then we comprehend that we are just an extension of something much greater, that is, the "Light Within", that is within all that exists.
Then we know that any action we make will be an action towards ourselves.
Then we know that all which is around us is the greater part of ourselves.
Then we know our spiritual name and the lineage from where we started.
Always remember that, as a child when we are born, we are at "one" with the "Light Within".
Therefore the path to know our "Light Within" already exists, we just have to follow the path within us back home.
See the beauty of life through the eyes of the child that is within us all.
Grow and become what you are meant to be.
Words of a friend of "The Light".
May peace be with all.