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Aaron Rabin

Just a Pawn?

  • The King, the most important of them all, hardly ever moves from his spot and even though he may move in any direction, he only moves one space at a time.
    The Pawn, if he chooses to, may move forward two squares on his first move, after that, he can only move forward one space at a time. He is the front line of defense and attacks diagonally. He always faces forward and regardless of the dangers ahead, he can not retreat.
    The Queen may move as many spaces as she wants in any direction she chooses and although many choose to run far ahead, her place of honor is by her King as his place of honor is by her side.
    The Knights, Bishops and Castles are powerful pieces and although they can move multiple spaces, they do have limitations.
    All the pieces except one, regardless of power have one thing in common, they all retain their status until they are captured and they all, except one, can erase a wrong move by retreating.
    The exception is The Pawn:
    The Pawn can change it's abilities and become whatever it desires by successfully surviving the battles it faces and reaching the other side of the board.
    You must think about each move before you choose to advance the Pawn because it is the only piece that can not retreat.
    Although often thought of as the weakest piece on the board, the Pawn has the potential to become the most powerful.
    If you feel like a Pawn right now, hang on.
    Survey the path in front of you and never forget that you can be whatever you choose to be and though it may take you longer than you want to achieve it, never lose your focus, never allow others to force you into a move you haven't chosen for yourself, face forward and make your life exactly what you want it to be one thoughtful move at a time.