Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor John R. Harvey D.D.

Sunday Morning Reflection

  • When you think of being detached, what comes to mind? For some, the idea is inherently selfish, as it suggests standing off at a great distance or perhaps building walls—ignoring everyone else’s thoughts, feelings, and tangible needs. But this isn’t the detachment the Lord calls us to practice. He wants us to be free of sinful passions—to live in the world without becoming like it.


    That is, God wants us to be a part of the world that He made and loves immensely (Acts 17:24; John 3:16; John 17:15-16). But we should take care not to find our purpose and identity in the systems by which the world operates (Rom. 12:2). We can do this only by being detached in a godly way—not indifferent but free from the control of worldly thinking. And not removed from the lives of others but growing in love.


    Think about it

    • Is there something in your life that takes priority over loving God with your whole heart? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any unhealthy attachments in your life. Remember, “The Lord is gracious and compassionate; slow to anger and great in mercy” (Psalm 145:8). Approach Him without fear, asking for help in letting go of whatever holds you back.