Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

peter Chamberland

The treasures of darkness and secrets of earth

  • isaiah 45:3 says i will show you the treasures of darkness and the secrets of the earth. Wisdom can be found within scriptures for those who have ears to hear. We must be more open to the possibilities and start to look beyond the themes of typical Christian thinking of just witnessing to save peoples souls. The life of living a spiritual mind is accepting the idea pf statements as well that in genesis chapter 1 it says let us make man in our image and our likeness amd genesis chapter 3 that says behold man has become as one of us, to know good amd evil. We must also be willing to accept the statements like proverbs that says sophia was in the beginning with god, and know that the metaphors and hyperboles stated have a source. We must listen to the chasms of the deep, the soul, we must find a greater purpose in life. In the tarot we see a metaphor of the zero card, the fool, representing us upon our spiritual journey. The other cards represent life paths and lessons to learn. This is known as the fools journey. Tarot imagery is so potent to awaken our intuition, like the statement he who has ears to hear. Conflicts of differences can be set aside when we realize there is more than meets the eye with the bible. Christians must improve their outlook. Sure its exciting to find new knowledge, sure its a relief to be successful but people must be willing to stop following along with the crowd and stand out and makr a difference. Are we going to just turn blind eyes and see what we want to hear? do we do it juat because its what everybody is doing. Or do we step out to really learn good and evil? do we just apply catchy spiritual phrases for spiritual combat or do we authentically knkw the hardships of wisdom? and... who brought ua the wisdom of good and evil? we cannot just omit verses in new translations of bibles to comfort our ears, and avoid hard arguments. We need to really seek within and find our souls.