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peter Chamberland

Zen and devil worship

  • The activity of my satanism that often times I refer to just to call it what it is, devil worship, is very zen orientated in some aspects. You see within a certain context the aspect of spiritual worship consists of imagery of monasteries and monks and ascetic life styles. In many ways within the dragon wolf tradition of spiritual satanism this is not far from the truth at all. We set our inner temples as sanctuaries from the world. We take refuge in Satan and his kingdom. But we also balance with practicality the modern world. We still watch our movies and listen to the radio, we still wear normal clothing out in public and for all appearances we seem just like your average individuals in run of the mill society. But there is a push pull activity of absorbing ourselves in the spiritual when it comes time to be spiritual. We see the spiritual happening all around us. We look for ways to inspire Satan's kingdom and know their is more than meets the eye. The Al jilwah states that Satan takes part in all the acts that those without call evil, as their nature is such that they do not understand. When evil strikes, when there are catastrophies and tragedies of magnificent proportions, we wonder how can anything possibly good come from any of this? How could someone possibly claim that infanticide is every good? The answer is that it is not. More and more I see even Christians realizing that god has created both good and evil, even when their scriptures explicitely states that god is not the author of evil. The gospel of James specifically declares this whole heartedly. This is a main philosophy that is a reason I believe Satan to be the original creator god. There is purpose to his plans, and what seems so evil may have a bigger purpose in Satans eyes. Maybe when a child dies it saves the child from horrendous acts in their life time that would take place otherwise. Why he would do this for some and not allow for others to experience relief from tragedy I think has more to do with the fact that Satan is not omnipotent as a god. We have fooled ourselves with delusions thinking that god hears all of us when the fact of omnipotence is actually not a thing. Even the Al jilwah is corrupted with doctrines of monotheistic infinity cosmology. The Al jilwah states that Satan is ever present to help all those in need, and while the sentiment of faith is admirable, take it with a grain of salt. For omnipotence is not what it appears to be. In the book of job we see an example of this. We see the activity of Satan travelling to and fro upon all the earth when God asks him what is he doing. Satan can travel very long distances very quickly and there are things set into place about his power. But he is not actually omnipotent the way that people typically think of omnipotence, and it is my belief of polytheistic nature of deity rather than monotheistic cosmology... I don't write this for people to lose heart about their struggles in life. It is difficult for many people in life, sometimes they are filled with agonizing pain wondering why? Why god? Why? And they search for meaning among it all. Don't lose hope. Be strong. Experience your mortality and realize that your own godhood is a vast lesson to be learned.