Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

peter Chamberland

Daily Divination...

  • Flavros suggests to make friends with unkikely allies. Even those that we may distrust. Social dynamics are an advanced sign of productive endeavors but can also mean things are not going well in certain contexts... Are you interracting enough with people, or are you unsatisfied with reclusive behavior? These things are important to reflect on consecutively. 

    Strength of Flavros is Mycale, 

    As we move forward with our lives we can honestly admit our agendas and our motives. Don’t be hesitant to admit that you are out for social reputation, and don’t forget to always have intellect as a balancing measure about who can serve your agendas. 

    Wisdom of Flavros is Torngarsuk 

    You’ll want to focus on these things within positive light, remember that even Satanists don’t usually cast curses unless there’s a link up in someway. Being reckless without intellect can be a definite demise.