Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

peter Chamberland

Daily Divination

  • Today's demon is Zaebos who tells us to focus on romance and comfort. I am reminded of comfort when I am with my family. Ironically enough this used to not be the case. They are in a different spectrum of life all together. Surviving on my own is difficult several times over and there is not a sense of grittiness when I am with them. We go out to eat a lot and they get me what I need consistently which motivates me to focus on living a different life financially. To be able to go to the theater is a treat and visit the book store and browse through different stores on a whim is also a treat. This is my ideal of comfort and prosperity. Seldom is the case that I have this, but I do when I am with my family and it is a severe comfort. The strength of Zaebos is Nybbas who inspires us to look into the world of dreams and to know the difference between dreams and reality. Often times my imagination gets the best of me and my mind seems to be on automatic pilot when I get daydreaming. I have to consistently ground and center for mental health reasons and focus on practicality. When I first started my practices in spiritual witchcraft I had a dream of starting a ministry. It was a tedious process of learning because I had several aspects out of place and was frustrated that I was considering disability as an option. I didn't think it would be not possible to do. But here I am years later with more time on my hands to focus spiritually with the resources to provide life essentials. I am now focusing on taking things to the next level with my ministry and fulfilling my initial vision that sometimes I felt was foregone all together. Don't limit yourself to the potential of ministry and spirituality. Let your mind go and see what you come up with. The wisdom of Zaebos is Lucifer. Lucifer within a monotheistic sense of faith is viewed as a grand demon of sorts. Even somewhat of a king or emporer style demon. Within a polytheist sense this is not the case and he is along side the other demons. He fosters compassion and understanding, even for enemies. His name is significant as the roman latin deity as the bringer of light and all that light symbolizes and is the herald of the age of enlightenment. There is a sense that destroying your enemies is satisfying as hell and there is a reason for this that is a benefit, but beware of the idea of falling into the trap of never forgiving and never forgetting. This can be especially easy to do within the realm of Satanism. Be cautious and think of new ways to handle situations.