For a long time I have been concerned with religious communities and their "Life Plan".
Why did people come together to form religious communities ?
What inspired them to put aside their own personal life ?
Do they want to discover the desert experiences of the early monks and revive them
within themselves ?
I admire this consistent withdrawal from everyday life, which I can discover both in the
Cistercians and even more intensely in the Carthusians.
There the worldly distractions are put aside in order to be able to come even closer to
HIM, our triune God. Superficially, one could understand this as a form of self sacrifice,
which, however, in no way comes close to this self-determined form of life.
Through silence, the inner peace arises, which makes it possible to fully engage with God
through prayer. Out of this state of mind, forces arise that allow the inexplicable to blossom.
Through my contacts with various religious communities and also through my visits there,
I have been able and allowed to gain insights that have deepened my admiration.
Would this also be a desirable way of life for me ?
Rather not, because I am too attached to the worldly life - and yet, it inspires me for my personal,
daily actions in our world.
Through the various forms of meditation and silent prayer, we can initiate "states" within ourselves
that allow us to discover, implement and use the possibilities of an inner retreat more and more.
I hope that I have been able to awaken in you the interest to want to walk on deeper, explorative
tracks yourself - it is certainly worthwhile. Already the internet offers helpful approaches to walk
on new tracks.
Greetings and Blessings.
Enjoy your Sunday and see you soon.