The Whispering of the Snake
Serpent translated is Nahash this s the Hebrew word for serpent or snake. It sounds like someone is whispering, and it literally means, the whisperer. In the Bible, the serpent is the embodiment of the enemy. Thus, the enemy is a whisperer, to your mind...
The Hebrew word for "angel," which is often translated as "messenger," is "mal'akh"
So many people will listen to the whisperer, when the Messenger is sending you a warning message saying not too!
The Mind is a Battlefield
A war is raging, and your mind is the battlefield. Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation ... all of these are attacks on the mind. If you suffer from negative thoughts, take heart! To what the Messenger is saying (warning) this is what the Whisperer is telling YOU! a statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation.
In the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, the serpent, described as "craftier than any of the wild animals, "tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, leading to the fall of humanity and their expulsion from the Garden.
The Serpent's Deception:
The serpent, in Genesis 3, questions God's command, suggesting that eating the fruit will not lead to death, but rather grant knowledge and wisdom, making them like God.
Eve's Response:
Eve, swayed by the serpent's words, eats the fruit and then offers it to Adam, who also eats it.
The Fall and Consequences:
Their disobedience leads to their realization of their nakedness and the introduction of shame, suffering, and death into the world.
God's Judgment:
God curses the serpent, condemning it to crawl on its belly and eat dust, and also curses the ground, making it difficult for humans to cultivate.
The Serpent's Identity:
While the Bible doesn't explicitly name the serpent as Satan, later texts in the Bible, such as Revelation, identify the serpent as "the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world.
The serpent is often interpreted as a symbol of temptation, evil, and deception, representing the forces that oppose God and lead humanity astray.
The mind is considered a battlefield in spiritual warfare because Spiritual Warfare:
The battle for the mind is a crucial aspect of spiritual warfare, where believers are called to discern and resist Satan's lies and cultivate a mind that is centered on God's truth.
Satan, through deception and lies, seeks to influence our thoughts and actions, ultimately sidetracking us from God's truth and leading to destruction.
Influence Through Thought:
Satan's primary strategy is to attack the mind, as he understands that if he can control our thinking, he can manipulate our behavior and actions.
Deception and Lies:
Satan uses deception and lies to sow doubt, fear, and negativity in our minds, aiming to corrupt our thoughts and lead us away from God's truth.
Strongholds of the Mind:
When Satan's lies and negative thoughts take root in our minds, they can become strongholds, giving him control over our lives.
Taking Thoughts Captive:
To win this battle, believers are encouraged to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ," meaning to examine and align our thoughts with God's Word.
Seeking God's Truth:
By grounding our minds in God's truth, we can resist Satan's lies and cultivate a mind that is focused on God's love, peace, and purpose
Can the devil play with your mind?
Yes, the Bible says that Satan can put thoughts in our minds and tempt us to sin. Satan's strategy is to use deception, distraction, and discouragement to limit our potential.
How does Satan tempt us?
He may put sinful desires in our hearts, or thoughts that justify those desires
He may put deceptive thoughts in our minds that lead to sinful desires
He may present bits of truth and fill in the unknowns with imaginations that create fears and insecurities
How can we resist Satan?
Confront Satan's mind games with truth
Read the Bible and pray to God
Ask God for protection
Put on the armor of God, which consists of righteousness
Trust in the sovereign power of God
It is a battle in which the enemy knows that if he can influence your mind, he can affect your actions. In this spiritual warfare, he seeks to get your focus off of God's truth so he can sidetrack and destroy your life. Satan wants you to think thoughts contrary to God's Word.
Pastor David May
Faith and Religion - The