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Rabbi Gary

We Are Slaves in Egypt


    We Are Slaves in Egypt

    Today, Right Now, in the United States


    As we celebrate Passover, as tax season draws to a close, as I look back upon the last two years of “COVID public health measures,” I can only conclude we are slaves in Egypt.


    Only slaves have to give Pharaoh (now renamed the government) the fruits of their labor. We pay income tax, self-employment tax, social security tax, medicare tax, real estate tax, personal property tax, sales tax, use tax, gas tax, auto registration fees, occupational license fees, user fees, permit fees, license fees, tolls, etc.


    Only a Pharaoh can set out to impoverish slaves by means of massive inflation, thereby making the slave's life savings valueless.


    Only a Pharaoh can order you to buy what Pharaoh decrees. And in this Egypt, Pharaoh decrees that you buy exorbitantly priced “health insurance.” Then there is the auto insurance you are decreed to purchase. Then there are the education requirements and occupational license requirements that are imposed, oft times not for public benefit, but solely for the benefit of the businesses that then provide the courses, textbooks and exams that you need to satisfy Pharaoh's decrees.


    Only a Pharaoh can decree that you wear a face mask. Is there any science behind this decree? No, just the opposite. Then why the face mask? So Pharaoh can see who his obedient slaves are.


    Only a Pharaoh can restrict access to proven life-saving medications so as to justify injecting you with the so-called vaccine.


    Only a Pharaoh can discipline doctors for saving patients' lives and/or speaking the truth about “COVID.”


    Only a Pharaoh can bring death to innocents as surely as the Pharaoh who killed the Israelite first born in Egypt.


    Only a Pharaoh can slay the elderly in their nursing home beds (as was done in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and California).


    Only a Pharaoh can order hospitals to treat “COVID” with medical procedures designed to cause injury and death.


    Only a Pharaoh can order a dangerous, untested, unproven substance, the so-called vaccine, to be repeatedly injected into you.


    Only a Pharaoh can claim that the mandatory vaccine is safe and effective when the evidence is to the contrary.


    Only a Pharaoh can go to court and say the they need 75 years to produce the data about the safety and efficacy of the so-called vaccine.


    Only a Pharaoh can and did order families not to gather for the Passover Seder, not not attend religious services, to close religious schools, etc.


    Only a Pharaoh can decide if your business is essential or not. That your business is essential to your family's ability to eat and have a roof over their head is not the concern of Pharaoh as you are a mere slave.


    Only a Pharaoh can order people to not practice the acts of loving kindness commanded by Hashem; acts such as attending funerals, visiting the sick, attending social events, greeting people, etc.


    Only a Pharaoh can restrict your right to travel.


    Only a Pharaoh can take possession of your children and dictate what your children are taught.


    Only a Pharaoh can decree that minor children can give “consent” to the so called vaccine behind their parents backs, for you are a slave and therefore your children belong to Pharaoh.


    And lastly, there is the most telling sign of all, as the US moves closer and closer to gun confiscation. For the Tanach tells us something most interesting that when the Jews left Egypt, they left in great haste. They left in such great haste that they did not have time to pack provisions and their bread did not rise. Yet they left Egypt armed. Why does the Tanach make it a point to tell us that the Israelites who were just freed from slavery left Egypt armed? By telling us this, Hashem teaches us that the difference between a slave and a free man is weapons. It is interesting to note that this lesson was learned by our founding fathers. How do I know that? Because the Battle of Lexington and Concord was a gun confiscation raid. The British heard rumors of guns and ammunition being stockpiled at Lexington and Concord and moved to seize those weapons. 77 brave patriots chose to resist the mighty British empire and gave us “the shot heard round the world.” And in the face of our Pharaoh today, can we do no less?


    And so my friends, we are slaves in Egypt and Biden, Murphy, Fauci, Newsome, Whitmer, et. al. are all Pharaoh.


    And so my friends, I call upon you to straighten your faith in Hashem, to defy Pharaoh, to not worship the idol of the “vaccine,” not not wear the face masks of idol worshipers, to teach your children not to be slaves, to not let your children be slaves in the state indoctrination camps called public schools. I call upon you to what Hashem commands us; to practice acts of kindness and not Pharaoh's decree of “social distancing.” I call upon you to attend shul, to visit your loved ones, to educate our children in the ways of Hashem, etc. And lastly, but most importantly, I call on you to worship Hashem and be strong in your faith, and I beseech you to not fall prey to the fear mongering designed to make you an idol worshiping slave in today's Egypt.



    Hashem: G-d

    Tanach: The Jewish Bible