Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Kevin Quiles, MDiv, M.A.

Why do we want to be Ministers?

  • When I was training to become a chaplain--a much recommended process for ministers, by the way--my supervisor allowed me and a few other chaps to sit on an interview. A young man came in and sat in the small office. My supervisor did what he did best, made the guy feel comfortable. The applicant wanted to be part of the squad.

    My supervisor eventually got around to asking him a question that raddled the man, really. "Why do you want to be a chaplain?" he asked. The young man responded with the typical, "I feel called by God." My supervisor was about to strike again in his caring but subtle ways, "Why do you want to be a minister?" The young man was beginning to look like he was in a boxing match and had gotten hit pretty hard. You know, knees shaking. He struggled to respond but eventually said something similar.

    He asked one more time before my supervisor moved in for the kill, that is, before he shared his magical words. We become ministers for reasons we really don't know of and for reasons we do secretly know but don't want to tell. We all get the man's first answer. Yes, we are lead. But that isn't the only reason we do the Samaritan thing. Ministry has power and attracts folks to us like crazy. There is enough behind and outside of the pulpit that feeds our needs, wants, and unresolved stuff. I remember being a pastor. Talk about satisfaction.

    So, when you ask yourself, "Why am I a minister?" see if you can be bold enough to come see what comes up. But be forewarned, if you're truly honest enough you might be surprised.

    I supply consultation for ministers virtually. And I conduct workshops for various topics: mystic and esoteric. To learn more go to bodymindmetaphor.com.

    Be well.