A day unfolds, a fleeting breath,
To us, a span from birth to death,
Yet in His eyes, so vast, so grand,
A thousand years slip through His hand.
The ticking clock, our earthly guide,
Marks every tear, each prayer we’ve cried,
But God, unbound by time’s swift stream,
Weaves mercy through our fleeting dream.
A thousand years, to Him a glance,
He waits with love, He offers chance,
Not slow to judge, but swift to save,
His patience pulls us from the grave.
So trust His heart when shadows fall,
His timing answers every call,
For though we count the hours near,
Eternity is His to steer.
Oh Christian soul, lift up your gaze,
Beyond the rush of mortal days,
A day, a thousand years the same,
Forever faithful is His name.