Grace and peace be with you all. As we journey through life together, I find myself drawn to a beautiful piece of wisdom tucked away in the book of Proverbs—a verse that speaks to the heart of who we’re called to be. It’s Proverbs 19:17, which says, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” These words are simple, yet they carry a profound invitation, one that can shape our days and draw us closer to the heart of God.
Let’s linger on this for a moment. “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord.” What an astonishing thought! When we show compassion to someone in need—whether they’re lacking food, shelter, hope, or simply a listening ear—we’re not just meeting their need. We’re offering something to God Himself. It’s as if every act of kindness becomes a loan to the One who owns all things, a gift He receives with delight. The Creator of the universe, who needs nothing, chooses to bind Himself to our generosity. He says, in essence, “When you care for them, you’re caring for Me.”
This isn’t just poetry—it’s a call to action. Think of the people around us: the single parent stretching a paycheck to cover the bills, the neighbor who hides their loneliness behind a brave smile, the stranger on the corner with a cardboard sign. These aren’t distant problems; they’re opportunities to reflect God’s love in real, tangible ways. Maybe it’s dropping off a bag of groceries for someone struggling to make ends meet. Maybe it’s sitting with a friend who’s grieving, offering no answers but simply your presence. Or perhaps it’s giving a few dollars—or even just a warm greeting—to someone the world has overlooked. These acts, small as they may seem, are treasures in God’s eyes.
And then there’s the promise: “He will reward them for what they have done.” Now, let’s be clear—this isn’t about turning kindness into a transaction, as if we’re trying to earn God’s favor. His love for us is already complete, a gift we can’t repay. No, this reward is something deeper. It’s the joy that fills us when we see a face light up because of something we’ve done. It’s the peace that settles in our hearts when we live in harmony with God’s ways. Sometimes, it’s the unexpected blessings that come back to us—a kind word from a stranger just when we need it, or a renewed sense of purpose that carries us through our own hard days.
I’ve seen this truth play out in so many lives. I heard of a woman who, despite her own tight budget, started baking extra bread each week to share with a family down the street. She didn’t expect anything in return, but she told me later how that simple act opened up conversations, friendships, and a sense of belonging she hadn’t known she was missing. Or consider the young man who gave up his Saturday mornings to tutor kids in a struggling neighborhood. He thought he was just helping with math, but he found himself inspired by their resilience—and they, in turn, gave him a renewed sense of hope. These are the kinds of rewards God weaves into our lives when we step out in kindness.
So, my dear friends, let this wisdom sink deep into your souls. We live in a world that often celebrates the loud and the flashy, but God calls us to a quieter strength—the strength of compassion. Look around you today. Where can you lend a hand, a word, a moment? It doesn’t have to be grand or costly. A cup of coffee shared with someone who’s down, a note of encouragement slipped under a door, a prayer whispered for someone you’ll never meet—these are the threads of mercy that stitch together a better world.
And as you give, trust that God sees. He doesn’t miss a single act of love, no matter how small. He takes our offerings—our “loans” to Him—and multiplies them in ways we can’t imagine. Maybe your kindness will spark hope in someone’s heart. Maybe it’ll inspire them to pay it forward. Or maybe it’ll simply remind them that they’re not forgotten. Whatever the outcome, know this: in caring for the poor, the hurting, the overlooked, you’re caring for the Lord Himself. And He will honor that.
May you be blessed as you bless others. May your hearts overflow with the joy of giving, and may your lives shine with the beauty of God’s love. Let’s walk this path together, leaning into the grace that calls us to kindness, and trusting that every step we take in compassion echoes in eternity.