Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Russ Hjelm

Fulfilling Righteousness

  • Grace and peace to you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today, I invite you to reflect with me on a moment in Scripture that speaks to the heart of who we are called to be as God’s people—a moment of humility, obedience, and purpose.


    Picture the scene: the Jordan River flows gently, the air is alive with the buzz of a gathered crowd, and John the Baptist stands in the water, calling people to turn their hearts toward God. Then comes Jesus—not with fanfare or demands, but with quiet resolve. John hesitates, knowing full well who Jesus is, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and yet you come to me?” But Jesus responds with words that stop us in our tracks: “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.”


    What a beautiful mystery this is! Jesus, the sinless one, steps into the waters of baptism—not because He needs cleansing, but because He chooses to stand with us, to walk our road, to show us the way. In this simple act, He reveals a profound truth: righteousness isn’t about pride or power; it’s about aligning our lives with God’s will, even when it surprises us, even when it humbles us.


    So what does this mean for you and me today? I believe it’s an invitation. First, it’s an invitation to trust God’s plan, even when we don’t fully understand it. John didn’t see why Jesus needed to be baptized, but he trusted and obeyed. Sometimes God asks us to take steps that don’t make sense in the moment—perhaps to forgive when we’d rather hold a grudge, to serve when we’d rather be served, or to wait when we’d rather rush ahead. Jesus shows us that saying “yes” to God opens the door to something greater than we can imagine.


    Second, this moment calls us to humility. Jesus didn’t cling to His status; He stepped down into the water, identifying with us in our need for grace. In a world that often tells us to shout our worth or chase our own glory, Jesus whispers a different way: to live humbly, to lift others up, to let God’s love define us.


    And finally, it’s a call to action. “To fulfill all righteousness” isn’t just a phrase for that day by the river—it’s a mission for us now. We’re called to live in ways that reflect God’s justice, mercy, and love. Maybe that means reaching out to someone who’s hurting, standing up for what’s right, or simply being faithful in the small things God has placed before us.


    My friends, as we walk this journey together, let’s take heart from Jesus’ example. Let’s step forward in trust, bow low in humility, and rise up to live out the righteousness He calls us to. The same God who parted the heavens and declared, “This is my Son, whom I love,” is with us still, guiding us, strengthening us, and delighting in us as we seek to follow Him.


    May you feel His presence today and always. Let it be so now—for you, for me, for all of us— that we might live fully for Him.