Scripture: “Jesus answered, ‘It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” – Matthew 4:4
In this moment, Jesus is in the wilderness, hungry after forty days of fasting. The tempter comes, urging Him to turn stones into bread to satisfy His physical need. It’s a reasonable suggestion on the surface—after all, food sustains us, keeps us alive. But Jesus’ response reveals a deeper truth: life isn’t just about the physical. Bread might feed our bodies, but only God’s Word nourishes our souls.
Think about your own life. How often do we chase after things to fill our immediate hungers—whether it’s food, comfort, success, or approval? These aren’t wrong in themselves, but they’re not enough. Jesus points us to something greater: the sustaining power of God’s voice. His Word isn’t just advice or a set of rules—it’s life itself, feeding us in ways bread never could.
When Jesus quotes this from Deuteronomy, He’s reminding us of the Israelites in the desert. They had manna from heaven, but it was God’s promise and presence that truly kept them going. Today, we’re not so different. We’re surrounded by temptations to rely on quick fixes, but God invites us to lean on Him, to let His truth fill the empty places.
What’s your “bread” right now—the thing you’re tempted to depend on more than God? Maybe it’s worry, control, or distraction. Jesus shows us that real strength comes from trusting every word God speaks—His promises, His guidance, His love. That’s where true life begins.
Lord, thank You for being my sustenance. Forgive me for the times I’ve sought life in things that can’t truly satisfy. Help me to hunger for Your Word, to trust it above all else. Speak to me today, and let Your truth fill my heart. Amen.
Action Step:
Take a few minutes today to read a passage of Scripture—maybe start with Psalm 23 or John 6. Let it sink in. What’s one “word” from God you can carry with you through the day?