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Russ Hjelm

Letters to the Faithful - Psalm 1:2

  • Grace, peace, and love be to you, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Word made flesh and the fulfillment of all righteousness. I write to you, scattered across the nations yet united in the one Body of Christ, to reflect together on the timeless wisdom of the Psalmist, who declares: "But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night" (Psalm 1:2). These words, breathed by the Spirit of God, call us to a life rooted in divine truth—a life that flourishes in every season.


    To you who bear the name of Christ—whether you gather in ancient cathedrals, humble chapels, or the quiet of your homes—I extend this exhortation: let the Word of God be your joy and your strength. The "law of the Lord" is no mere list of commands, but the living revelation of His will, His character, and His promises. It is the Torah of old, fulfilled in the Gospel of grace, and it speaks to us still through the sacred Scriptures, which are a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (cf. Psalm 119:105). In every age, this Word has sustained the Church, guiding us through trials and illuminating the way to eternal life.


    What does it mean, dear friends, to delight in this law? It is to find in it not a burden, but a treasure; not a chain, but a freedom. The world offers fleeting pleasures that fade like the grass, but the one who delights in God’s Word discovers a joy that endures—a joy that flows from knowing the One who is just, merciful, and true. This delight is not reserved for the scholar alone, but for every heart that seeks God, from the child who lisps a prayer to the elder who has walked long with the Savior. It is a delight that binds us together, for though we may differ in tradition or tongue, we are one in our love for the Lord who speaks to us all.


    And what of this call to meditate day and night? It is an invitation to dwell with God continually, to let His truth shape our thoughts in the stillness of dawn and the weariness of dusk. Meditation is no idle musing, but an active turning of the heart toward Him who is our life. Whether we ponder a single verse amidst the clamor of daily toil or linger over the sacred page in quiet prayer, we are like the tree planted by streams of water (cf. Psalm 1:3), drawing nourishment from the inexhaustible fountain of God’s wisdom. In a world that rushes headlong into distraction, this discipline anchors us, keeping us steadfast amid the storms.


    Therefore, I urge you, beloved: make the Word of God your constant companion. Let it be proclaimed in your assemblies, whispered in your homes, and cherished in your hearts. To those who teach, expound it with humility and boldness; to those who listen, receive it with eager faith. Let it unite us across every divide, for in its light we see the face of Christ, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever (cf. Hebrews 13:8). And as you meditate on it, may you bear fruit in due season—fruit of love, justice, and peace—for the glory of God and the good of His people.


    I commend you to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Word incarnate, and to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who illumines the Scriptures to our understanding. May you delight ever more in the law of the Lord, and may your lives reflect the blessedness of those who walk in His way.