Beloved, I write to you concerning a matter of the heart and mind, drawn from the sacred writings of old, which the Spirit has preserved for our instruction. You who cherish the Scriptures, who seek to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, hear now the opening of the Preacher’s testimony: “The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem” (Ecclesiastes 1:1). These words, simple yet weighty, beckon us to pause and consider the voice that speaks them, the life that bore them, and the truth they unveil.
First, let us give thanks to God, who in His wisdom has given us not only the gospel of salvation but also the cries of the human soul, recorded by Solomon, the son of David. This Preacher, a king endowed with riches, power, and understanding beyond measure, stands as a witness to the grandeur and frailty of man. You who know the story of Solomon—how he sought the Lord in his youth, how he built the temple, how he received wisdom as a gift from above—know also that his voice in Ecclesiastes is not one of triumph alone, but of searching, of wrestling, of seeing all things under the sun. Is this not a comfort to us, that even a king, blessed by God, should face the same questions that stir our own hearts?
I urge you, dear friends, to ponder the title he takes: “the Preacher.” Not merely a ruler, not only a sage, but one who speaks, who declares, who calls the assembly to hear. In this, he foreshadows our Lord Jesus Christ, the true Son of David, who preached the kingdom of God with authority. Yet Solomon’s preaching begins not with answers, but with an honest gaze upon the world. He looks upon Jerusalem, the city of peace, and finds it restless; he reigns as king, yet discovers limits to his crown. Herein lies a lesson for us all: no earthly station, no wealth, no wisdom apart from God can silence the soul’s deep longing.
To you who labor in your callings—whether in the home, the field, or the sanctuary—I say, take heart. The Preacher’s words are not meant to discourage, but to direct us to the One who is above the sun. You who have tasted the goodness of God in Christ, who have been redeemed by His blood and sealed by His Spirit, know that the vanity Solomon describes is not the end of the story. Where the Preacher saw all things as fleeting, we see through the lens of the cross a purpose eternal. As the Apostle Paul, inspired by the same Spirit, declares, “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things” (Romans 11:36). Even the weariness of this world serves to lift our eyes to the Savior.
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, let us not despise the Preacher’s cry, nor turn from the mirror he holds before us. Examine your own hearts: where have you sought meaning in what is passing? Where have you built upon sand, trusting in the works of your hands rather than the promises of God? Repent, as I too must repent, and return to the simplicity of faith—trusting not in the wisdom of this age, but in the foolishness of the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation.
Now, as you gather in your congregations, reading the Word and lifting your voices in praise, let Ecclesiastes 1:1 be a call to humility and hope. Humility, for we are dust, and our days are but a breath; hope, for the Son of David who reigns forever has spoken a better word than Solomon’s. His words are life, and His kingdom endures. Preach this to one another, beloved, in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, that the world may know we are His.
I commend you to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. May your love abound, your faith stand firm, and your hope remain fixed on the day when all things are made new. Farewell, until we meet in the presence of our King.