Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Russ Hjelm

Letters to the Faithful - Matthew 1:7

  • To all those whom the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ have reached, beloved in the faith and called to walk in the light of His truth:


    Greetings in the name of Jesus, who is the Alpha and Omega, the One in whom the fullness of God's plan is revealed!


    As we reflect upon the Word of God, let us fix our hearts upon Matthew 1:7, where the genealogy of our Lord unfolds. “Solomon the father of Rehoboam, Rehoboam the father of Abijah, and Abijah the father of Asa.” In these names lies the story of God’s unyielding hand in history—a lineage marked by grace, imperfection, and redemption.


    Solomon, the son of David and Bathsheba, reminds us of the complex beauty of God's providence. Here is a king to whom wisdom unparalleled was given, yet whose humanity is mirrored in his shortcomings. Through Solomon, God built a temple, a dwelling place for His glory, yet we also see a cautionary tale of how the human heart, prone to wander, must be anchored in the Almighty. Even so, Solomon’s inclusion in the sacred lineage underscores this truth: that God’s plan is not thwarted by human frailty, but magnified in His mercy.


    This same thread of grace weaves through Rehoboam, Abijah, and Asa. They lived amidst the tension of obedience and rebellion, faithfulness and failure. Each generation bore the imprint of human fallibility, yet God remained sovereign, working through imperfect vessels to prepare the way for the perfect Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.


    In this, brothers and sisters, lies a message for us all. Like Solomon, we are gifted with talents and wisdom; like Rehoboam, we face decisions that test our allegiance; like Abijah, we sometimes falter; and like Asa, we are called to reform and renew our hearts before the Lord.


    Matthew 1:7 reminds us that we are part of a greater narrative—a lineage of grace that culminates in Jesus Christ. We are the heirs of a promise fulfilled in Him, chosen not because of our perfection, but because of His love. Our lives, like those of Solomon and his descendants, are woven into the tapestry of God’s redemptive plan.


    Therefore, let us walk in humility, acknowledging that our wisdom, strength, and efforts are but a vapor without the breath of God. Let us draw near to Him who calls us by name and grafts us into His family through the blood of His Son. And let us, like Solomon at the dedication of the temple, bow our hearts in reverence, praying, “May the Lord our God be with us as He was with our ancestors; may He never leave us nor forsake us” (1 Kings 8:57).


    Beloved, stand firm in the knowledge that God’s purposes will prevail. Whatever trials come your way, remember that you are part of a divine story—one in which the King of kings has chosen you to bear witness to His glory. Like those before us, we are called to leave a legacy of faith for the generations yet to come.


    May the peace of Christ dwell richly in your hearts, and may His Spirit lead you into all wisdom and truth, that in all things you may abound in love and bear fruit for His kingdom.