Berean Standard Bible
He was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him.
To the beloved children of God, united by faith in Christ, scattered across every land and tongue,
Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the Lord Jesus Christ, whose power upholds the universe and whose love conquers the hearts of those who believe. I write to you with a yearning for your growth in wisdom and understanding, that you may grasp the fullness of the truth revealed in the Gospel according to John.
In the first chapter, the tenth verse, the Apostle John proclaims: "He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world did not know Him." These words are laden with the depths of the mystery of the Incarnation—a truth that transcends comprehension and invites us into reverent awe.
Consider for a moment the magnitude of what is expressed here. He, the eternal Logos, the Word of God, through whom all things were made, entered the world He Himself had formed. The One who spoke light into existence and fashioned humanity with His hands did not remain far off or inaccessible. No, He chose to step into the very fabric of His creation, humbling Himself to dwell among us as Emmanuel—God with us.
And yet, the world did not know Him. How this must grieve our spirits! The Creator walked among His creation, the King of kings lived in the midst of His people, yet they failed to recognize Him. Their eyes were blind, their hearts hardened, their lives consumed by the transient pursuits of the world. The same soil He molded was trodden upon without reverence for the feet of its Maker.
Beloved, how this verse ought to stir us to examine our own lives! Though two millennia have passed, humanity remains much the same. The world continues in its blindness, rejecting the One who lovingly calls it back to Himself. Let us ask ourselves: are we numbered among those whose hearts are attuned to His voice, who see His hand at work in the world, who welcome Him with joy and devotion? Or are we, like many, caught in the rush of distractions, failing to recognize Him who stands at the door and knocks?
The rejection of the Creator by His creation is not the end of the story; indeed, it is the beginning of the wondrous plan of redemption. As the Apostle continues, "He came to His own, and His own people did not receive Him. But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:11-12). This truth is the cornerstone of our hope, for while the world may have been blind to Him, those who open their hearts and believe in Him are welcomed into the family of God.
Oh, how great is this love! The Maker of all things longs for His creation to know Him, to walk with Him, to dwell in His presence forever. What greater privilege could there be than to be called children of the Most High, heirs to the kingdom of God? This is the grace extended to us through Jesus Christ—a grace that transforms us from lost wanderers into beloved sons and daughters.
But this grace is not given for us to keep hidden; it is bestowed that we may shine His light into the darkness of the world. As those who have been called out of ignorance and into truth, we are entrusted with the mission to make Him known to others. Let us not be silent witnesses, but bold proclaimers of the Gospel, demonstrating through word and deed the love of Christ that surpasses all understanding.
Brothers and sisters, let us marvel at the divine humility that brought the Word into the world. Let us worship the One who did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant. Let us cherish the gift of salvation that is offered freely to all who believe, and let us labor with joy and perseverance to spread His name to every corner of the earth.
I urge you to fix your eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Do not allow the noise of the world to drown out His voice; do not let the fleeting distractions of life rob you of the eternal treasures found in Him. Seek Him daily, through prayer and the study of His Word, and invite His presence into every aspect of your life.
And as you abide in Him, may your lives be a testament to His glory—a living letter that proclaims to all that He is the Light of the world, the Savior of mankind, the Creator who longs for His creation to know Him. Though the world did not know Him, may it come to know Him through you.
May the Holy Spirit guide you in wisdom and courage as you fulfill the calling to be ambassadors of Christ. May you be strengthened by His grace, anchored in His peace, and filled with His joy. To Him who was in the world, who made the world, and who is reconciling the world to Himself, be glory, honor, and praise forevermore.