Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Leonardo Carvalho

First Church of Life in the Universe - Manifesto

  • Born in our time, the growing need that we commune in a very strictly to God without ties, with no shame or masks. This need is only getting better every day cured through a direct relationship creator-creature. Even so, there must be a U.S. policy, something that guides the development work of the creature so it can become recognized as worthy Son of God who seeks connection.

    Many schools initiatory religious rigid and develop ways to create these mysterious priests and their ministry. The Church of Life comes this idea of giving the necessary knowledge, at all levels in an open and highly philosophical to the safe conduct of the religious development of the seekers of God, so well said and so vastly unknown, which is immanent and the transcendent all his creation.

    Using the development of intelligence and the acquisition of new knowledge, Life Church commends the anima as Holy Mother of Life, and Reason as the Universal Father of all wonders, from the perfect principle that guided the creation of order, cósmus of all laws.

    In the development of the dialogues and parables used in this Church know, a natural language is learned, a common language between the practitioner and the faithful God who watches the awakening of divine consciousness in the new disciple. And since then, without obstacles or corruption, there springs a new era where men and gods re-make the peace that has never been undone, and more intricate link between sacred and profane is broken, it all becomes one again.

    Blessed be, forever, as they were always from the beginning!
