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Reverend Doctor John Reuling Sr. of The NCO

Nobody can deny it anymore!

  • It's been pretty clear up to this point to all concerned except the most partisan that the Obama administration is failing on almost all levels, the lackluster response to the gulf oil spill being just one of the recent failures a few months ago. President Obama is in over his head, his advisors appear unequipped and disengaged, and there's no evidence to suggest that anything is going to get any better anytime soon.

        During his 1st presidential campaign, much was made of President Obama's lack of executive experience, lack of experience in the private sector and somewhat questionable views on the of the federal government. Unfortunately, a career as a community organizer with a short stint as a senator doesn't prepare someone to lead a nation.

        Today, the ranks of the unemployed swell, the shrinking middle class is struggling to pay everyone else's bills, chrildren are being born with a mountain of debt on their hands, CEOs are sitting in their country clubs not hiring because they feel under attack by the federal government, and distracted politicians are jet-setting around the country trying to keep jobs they've failed so miserably at.

        Millions of Americans feel that it's mid-night in America, the electricity is out, there's oil running down the street, everyone is broke, the terrorists are trying to kill us, illegal immigrants are flooding across the border through neighborhoods of fore-closed houses, and nobody is in charge.

        Ronald Reagan used to say that it was "morning in America" Americans had the sense that things were looking up and were only going to get better.

        Of course, there's always a silver lining. Americans for generations will consider this a teachable moment in politics. Executive experience and private industry knowledge must be key considerations for any canidate for the White House, as must a pragmature understanding of the role of the government. Good looks aren't a replacement for good experience, and well-worded teleprompters aren't a substitude for real knowledge. American voters will certainly thake this teachable moment to the polls.


    THank You, Rev.John.

  • Rev. Todd Maki
    Rev. Todd Maki I remember when I was young and foolish I thought an elected person must care about some of the working class. Now aged a considerable amount I realize both parties are totally self serving and as twisted as a bucket of snakes. Both parties failed, and c...  more
    January 14, 2012 - 2 like this
  • Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose
    Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose The question I have is how do we proceed from here?
    Globalization and the free market mentality which ships jobs over seas is here to stay. This country was not prepared for globalization. We had no method of protecting our manufacturing base and the dein...  more
    January 15, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose
    Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose G.W. Bush is who we can blame for much of our problems, if we wish to blame anyone. Getting into two useless wars while simultaneously reducing taxes was the stupidest thing any president ever did. The wars cost us over 600 billion dollars every year we r...  more
    January 15, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • Rev. Todd Maki
    Rev. Todd Maki The world is changing we must change with it or we will be left behind. Globalization is the future it is now. We better get on board if it's not 2 late...
    January 16, 2012