I am in complete disagreement with maybe it's time to consider speeding up the timetable for bringing all of our troops home from Afghanistan and the surrounding areas.
We must never forget that the planning for and carrying out of Sept. 11th originated in Afghanistan and, in my opinion, the U.S. and NATO forces must never withdraw our military forces from this area. If we did, it would provide the Middle East radicals, including al-Qaida and the Taliban, with the perfect opportunity to plan and fulfill a stronger strike against the U.S. than Sept 11th. This would result in a giant step toward the radical's earlier announcement that their life's aim was to annihilate every freed individual from the face of this earth.
If anything, I believe the U.S. and NATO should station more military troops and equipment in this area and keep them there as long as needed, in order to assure the world that our intention is to protect the salvation of our interests and responsibliities in the region in order to preserve our democratic way of life, and also in the hopes that some day Afghanistan would adopt a democratic form of government.
Thank You for reading my blog and hope to see your response.