ERIC MICHEL MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL is looking for partnership or affilliation with Christian individual or organisaton worldwide.
Les Ministères Eric Michel International and Eric Michel Ministries International is legally constituted as a Not-for-Profit Organisation at Industry Canada under the number # 895170-5
Our faith is governed by the Scriptures of the Holy Bible asserts and upholds the right of each and every individual to search these scriptural records for themselves and to use reason and personal conscience to discover God’s Divine Truth removes Human Tests and Confessions of Faith that restrict
private judgement and prevent free enquiry upholds the beautiful simplicity of the great commandments as defined by Jesus: “You must love your God with all your heart, with all your soul and all your mind” and “You must love your neighbour as yourself”
EMMI Polity is Semi Congregational And Semi Episcopal
The Christian Church defines "congregationalism" as "that form of Church polity which rests on the independence and autonomy of each local church." According to this source, the principles of democracy in church government rest on the belief that Christ is the sole head of his church, the members are all priests unto God, and these units are regarded each as an outcrop and representative of the church universal."
An episcopal polity is a hierarchical form of church governance ("ecclesiastical polity") in which the chief local authorities are Archbishop and the bishops. (The word "bishop" derives, via the Vulgar Latin ebiscopus, from the Ancient Greek epískopos meaning "overseer".) The structure used by many of the major Christian churches and denominations, such as Catholic, Eastern, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran churches or denominations, as well as other churches founded independently from these lineages.
EMMI Apostolic succession is to be understood as a continuity in doctrinal teaching from the time of the apostles to the present.
EMMI Affiliation and Association
Bringing together independent organism for mutual support and the advancement of the Christian faith
Ecclesiastical Polity
Affiliation & Association with Eric Michel Ministries International is stipulated under our Constitution for a non-profit organisation provides that an entity may join and become affiliated with Eric Michel Ministries International, grouping other Chaplaincy or Churches while remaining autonomous in regards to government, polity, operation, and discipline"
Who can be associate members
Any Churches, congregations or corporations and individue who are:
Progressive Baptist
Liberal or Free Christian
Christian Universalist
Christian Buddhist
Christian Unitarian
Any other Christian who respect others in their believes and rituals
EMMI chaplaincy are autonomous, interdependent, congregational in nature, and they ultimately strive to be as similar to the early church as possible, modeling their lives after their one true example.
EMMI believes that it is in the local congregations where people come, find fellowship, and know God. Affiliated churches subscribe to the position statement, doctrinal statement and the code of ethics.
Associate or Affiliate which one we should choose?
N.B.: The word church in here designate a religious corporation
The terms associate is used to describe a church partnership where EMMI doesn't have any vote of the associate church administrative board. The associate church have a vote in EMMI administrative board as one church = one vote.
An associate Church is an alliance between two or more churches to reach a common goal (or goals),or share a common interest and use the same resource to achieve it. We maintain a standard and protect the interests of our members. In other words, it is an alliance referring to an agreement between two or more Churches, made in order to merge efforts, advance common goals and secure common interests.
But an associate can be a member (also) of an EMMI FOUNDATION who is financed by a donation or legacy to aid research, education the arts etc., and provides funds for charities. In that case the Church associate member have equal power at the administrative board and REM (or delegate) have no veto right.
An affiliate, is a partnership whose parent is EMMI. Consequently, EMMI have a minimum of 51% of the vote of that church administrative board. The affiliate church members have a maximum of 3 representatives in EMMI administrative board and as three votes. NB: REM founder of the EMMI (or delegate) have a veto right on decisions of the administration board.
An affiliate Church carry EMMI logo and name and govern as a division of EMMI. Only an affiliate Church representative can be member of the Council who is a body of people summoned, elected, appointed or convened to serve in an advisory, consultative, administrative or legislative capacity.
Rev. Eric Michel
Eric Michel Ministries International
251 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 900, Ottawa Ontario K1P 5J6
Tel: 1.613.317.1945