God Said, Go, Ye Therefore, And Make Disciples Of Men. He Also said, Love thy Neighbor as Christ Loved the Church. This is in My Order, Not His... I spent the last 43 years struggling with what what that meant. I Decided to sideline the First one, And Practice the Second One, In Earnest.
That led me to a thirst for knowledge, And a Greater Relationship with God. But as a individual I was not receiving the tools and training to "Practice What I Preach. "... In the End God led me to a series of schools, Pastors, Churches, Ministers, Employers, Mentors, And Confidante Figures. I completed Seminary, in Multiple phases, and received my degree . I began Putiing others needs in front of my Own. It Is A difficult lesson for some. I still Struggle, Daily... Now, Though, I Have Hope I believe it has been a transition, not an overnight experience as some have. Mine has been what it was meant to be... A Laour Of Love....
If you feel likje you need spiritual counseling, A word of Prayer, Or just a smile, Please feel free to Contact me, Any Time. I am Not as interested in your ability to pay as I am in your ability to recover, and re-kindle the relationship with God, Your Father.