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  • December 8, 2017 2:44 PM PST
    Nov 2014 was my last day of Home PT after a 5 hour surgery 5 hours in the recovering room and what turn out a week in the Hospital , all done now just continue healing. Still NO pain and have stop taking 4 pain MEDs. Wow, it for the Grace of God that I am healing without the need for these MEDs that I had been taking for years. Being able to relax in HIS healing has been such a transforms in my heart and mind as to how HE is in control of our needs if we come to HIM. When I left the hospital, I told Diane my wife that GOD was going to be my MEDs/ pain pills.   Pray often to GOD and ask HIM to help us in our efforts to grow our faith and to live as Christians, Prayer plays a vita role in our relationship with GOD and with HIS son Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:12 ). Prayer, and the need for us to pray appears throughout the Bible and we need to rely on GOD such as I did after my surgery and make prayer a big part of our life.(James 5:16) tells us that the prayer of a good person has a powerful effect. These are not just "ask for prayers", but prayers where we thank GOD for everything HE has done, for use . When we pray we sense the presence of the Holy Spirit within us.
    • 21 posts
    July 4, 2019 8:44 AM PDT
    Glad you are doing better. The spirit carrieth the flesh along and we have to remind ourselves not to over-do it for a few days. Getting home is so good.
    I had a patient many years ago (cancer) that didn't need pain meds? I have seen plenty resist them and hurt along a little to avoid them, but never one of those "no complaint of pain" enigma people we hear about who should have a lot of pain. He never mentioned faith or Father, but he resonated down to earth, unexpectant simplicity and with the exception of 2 shots of whiskey a day, lived an entirely wholesome life, farming until he was 80.
  • May 25, 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Prayer and Unity~


    An elderly couple had a beautiful front  yard that children would cross daily from school.
    Over time, a path wore into the grass, exposing dirt, and the couple went from annoyed to full anger.
    The couple knew that something had to be done... what to do?
    They decided to lay crushed gravel over the dirt path, line it with flowers, and set a bench at the side of the path.
    When the children came the next day, the couple was at the bench to greet the children with a smile. 
    The children responded with joy and thanked the couple for their kindness.
    What a beautiful reaction and solution by this couple. 
    *Whether we like it or not, we are all united through our creator. We are all part of the same planet.
    Let us always seek solutions of unity when confronted with situations.
    God, great Architect of the Universe, 
    I ask that you continue to shower your children with your grace and mercy. 
    Continue to protect our family and friends during these uncertain times.
    Bless all of those who are ill and caring for the ill day in and day out.
    Touch our hearts to always keep the Holy Book in mind as we decision make and interact with our fellow man.
    God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.
    May we continue to dwell together in unity through our fellowship and prayers to the Great Architect of the Universe, Amen.
  • May 25, 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    Charity: An outstretched hand

    A nurse left the bedside of a dying man. She grabbed a young man from the hall.
    They entered the room and the young man grabbed the older man's hand.
    He saw the the man was nearing his end and was having difficulty breathing.
    After a few hours, the older man met his maker and the young man left the room.
    He told the nurse that the man had passed away and asked, "who was he?"
    The nurse with shock on her face replied " I thought that he was your father... why did you stay?"
    The man replied, " That man needed his son and his son was not there."

    Heavenly Father, GOD, Almighty,
    Thank you for keeping our families safe and for giving us life this day.
    I humbly ask your continued protection of your children and Church body.
    Guide us as we all strive to meet our obligations and fathers/mothers, husbands/wives, and whatever station we find ourselves.

    Give us wisdom serenity to accept the things that we cannot change, courage to change the things that we can, and wisdom to know the difference.
    This I ask in the name of our Creator, Amen.

  • May 25, 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Message: Uniting is lightening up darkness together.

    An old story tells of a rural area where villagers would travel in the dark to a church for night service.
    Each villager would bring a lamp from home to guide their way.
    Upon arrival, they'd sit the lamp in a church window and begin to pray.
    By the time that the list villager arrived, the church was well light and darkness dispelled.

    This story demonstrates the power that each one of us have as a Master Mason. While individually we all have light, together our light can accomplish greatness.
    During these times of new found time, may we all continue to seek more light in Masonry.

    Heavenly Father, Creator of all,
    Thank you for another opportunity to dwell in unity with brothers and sisters through prayer.
    Thank you for keeping them and their loved ones safe as we continue to live in these evolving times.
    I ask that you continue to bless each of your servants in a unique way, befitting their station in life.
    Continue to strengthen them as they care for their loved ones and provide for their families.
    Protect their families from all hurt, harm, and danger.
    Fill their homes with your love, the love that only the Great Creator can provide.

    God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.

    May we continue to dwell together in unity through our fellowship and prayers to our creator. Amen.

  • May 25, 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Message: Charity, sharing the good news

    The Bible tells how Saint John, was blessed and made significant contributions to religion.
    Because his mother, Elizabeth, and the mother of Jesus, Mary, were cousins, one might assume that his power and fame came from this connection.
    On the other hand, John is sometimes called, "John the Revelator" and "John the Baptist."
    He earned these names by a life time of work in spreading the Gospel and working for GOD.
    It is not necessarily who we know, but what we do... our charitable works, that make us who we are and have a lasting impact.

    God, Great Architect of the Universe,
    I ask that you continue to shower us, your children, with your grace and mercy.
    Keep them protected and safe during these trying times and give them that joy only you can provide.
    I further ask that your protective hands be around those who continue to care for the ill during this pandemic.
    My our continued fellowship fill us with the truth of the word and good will towards others.
    God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.

    May we continue to dwell together in unity through our fellowship and prayers to our Creator. Amen.