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Hello from Indianapolis!

    • 4 posts
    October 27, 2016 6:06 AM PDT

    Good morning from Indianpolis!


    I'm Rick, nice to meet here.  I spent 20+ years in professional ministry for a mainstream Protestant denomination, and found myself increasingly bewildered, confused, and frustrated.  I made a break from them a few years ago, and found my way over here after wandering for a few years.

    Although I love the ULC, I do wish there were a stronger network, especially local/regional, of ministers.  Indiana is a very conservative state that doesn't deal with change well, and I find that a challenge, not being part of a mainstream denomination.

    • 4 posts
    February 25, 2017 3:44 AM PST

    Hi Rick. I can relate to your post in a few different ways. First, I myself was raised Protestant, and remained so for many years. I broke with the church to find other avenues towards my spirituality, and also came across ULC. I enjoy the openness and acceptance of people with different religious viewpoints, who, in my view, are here for a common goal. I wish there was more of this type of acceptance in the world at large.

    I also can relate to living in a conservative state as I am one of your neighbors in Kentucky. I used to joke that Kentucky is a notch in the Bible belt, and feel that is not far from the truth. Being a ULC minister here, I like to think that if I can help one person I am at least walking the correct path. Change is something that takes time, but does occur, albeit slowly sometimes.

    If you happen to run accross a stronger network, I would love to hear about it. There is a certain amount of "strength in numbers", and having an additional support network would be helpful.

    Thanks for your post.