Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

David Black

Recent Entries

  • Looking Skyward in the Pantheon

    You never took it for granted, the Rotunda—no matter that you passed it daily on your way to Mincer’s Pipe Shop or the University Diner for grilleds and ice cream— no matter that you and the Team once suspended a garbage can and blue flag flaunting a giant brassiere atop the...
  • Stone Circle in Butte Park

    On past Stonehenge, the tracks not going that way, through Plymouth and into Wales—no plan or map toward what one day could hold: Cardiff Castle and the River Taff, a pub, a pint, and shepherd’s pie, and then to find the ring of druid stones.   Dating from recent years, I had...
  • The Clown in the Tent

      How, upon retirement, I came to this job is quite another story, but now the story is here, directing people to various bins and tanks, pushing the button on the giant compactor, giving directions to a local dentist or I-95. It’s a bit like Floyd’s barber shop— you sa...